

The Authentic Life...
When we start caring for someone too much...
We start hurting them, by hurting ourselves.
We start thinking in every second...
Hope I didn't hurt him/her by saying this or that... or not saying this or that...
Did I really mean what I said... would she/he have felt or have taken it in other ways...
What would she/he have been thinking of me...
Self pitying, because we care for someone so much that, we start feeling bad when we think... not even in true... just we think may be the other person have thought something wrong...
Do you get those thoughts ?
Why do you love her so much for who she is that you can compromise with your authenticity ?
First thing, everything and anything which you think or is outside of you can turn against you, if you have been constantly saying that to yourself in your brain. And even if they won't, you will feel it for sure, that's how our brain works... change the internal saying and see that no one is your enemy. Through everyone out there, God is pouring out kindness and love for you! Realize and internalize that nothing is wrong, whatever you have done or doing or will do.
Everyone goes through different phases in life, some are incredibly beautiful, inspiring, sometimes some intensely hurtful! And to make yourself feel better, whatever you have been doing, you are trying your best to work on yourself, you have not given up on yourself and that is enough! May be no one will understand and that is fine. May be the whole world makes you feel that you are wrong, don't accept it for God shake. Only being true to yourself is not enough, accept yourself with love, care and respect!
You don't need to prove others that you are good enough! Even if they feel you are not, it is fine... you are not their brain or heart and your reality should not be based on others feelings and thoughts or actions! Your job, status, sadhana, success nothing can define you or adds or discards any values of who you are !!! You are already enough even if you have have no one or nothing! Being a part of the creation and creator being in you... You are complete, should experience your true nature being happy, should feel authentic within. You don't need any outside or inside approval.
Start life being complete, loving and feeling fulfilled, forgiving and forgetting everything that have hurt you ever... and the whole sky is yours... !

In your life, you don't know how many more breaths are left, live every one for whatever you feel is important in your life and you want to experience in this life.
Making a living is not that difficult as much we make it in our brain. Happiness and peace are not destinies, as Sadhguru says this is your natural state. Start living, serving and giving from here, and don't restrict yourself or resist by making any distinction between people or things... Don't distribute it between Right or Wrong, Like or Dislike, Good or Bad, Me or You. Because when we do that, we are already escaping from half of life. And that changes the experience of life as well. We have been blessed a body and Brain, to experience and serve the highest of our capabilities!
Stop thinking what others would be thinking, because that's the worst kind of madness! Think what you should and what you are feeling! Always strive to feel good and work smart to make things possible!
Understand and accept that everyone don't need to know, understand or accept you, until you are accepting yourself with love and care ! Never explain yourself to anyone, because those who understand will always understand, those who don't, they won't even after you said. So don't waste your energy or words !
Also always accept what people saying as their truth, even if you feel they might be lying. Because even if someone lies, and they want to convince you a lie, that means for them it's their truth for you... Accept it with love ! Everything happens here, it seems at times, people and things are doing, but it's actually done by one and only! So let Him do His work, just trust on Him and complete the tasks in your hand! And stay always grounded with gratitude in heart for Him. You can never do what He is doing for you and there is no way to repay... Just be greatful to the universe for everything... the love you are sharing back with universe is what you are paying back... givr more thank expected always, because it's never enough compared to what He has given us making us a human 🙏🙏🙏🌼🌼🌼

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