

Who am I ubb9
15 May 1963 on a Wednesday morning around 5:00Am Palmer5ro, Sicily A half breed Twins A baby Boy and a Baby Girl Born to Annabellea Sorti Luciano, And White American Loyd Davis The Baby Boy was Tattooed on the Left Hand behind his left thomb the shape of a tear drop in the center of the teardrop in one way1 it looks like a L and if you turn it you'll see a 7. He was Born Anthonio Daemin Luciano His Siciaian Grandfather Charles Lucky Luciano then let took the Half-breed Bastard Baby Boy from his mother and sent him to Brooklyn, My where he waited for his father to to come for him. And his name was changed in Savannah, Tennessee. To Loyd Davis,jr. Because. Half-breeds Can't be Trusted. For They would turn on either side of the family's under the Siciaian Believes.. They can never have Any large amounts of money or power..And they never accept any Siciaian or Italian inheritance. And he can never Hold any Or Rank in the Luciano Family.Excpt as what he will be Trained to do.And the oath is a blood tooath till death or killed out. My Father Charles Lucky Luciano Separated the twins and they can never Have any contact with each other for life.
20 May 1963. My Son maybe one day we will meet again Love your mother Annabellea S. Luciano.

My son Antonio, it's been 10 years ago this 20 May 1963 since I last saw your Beautiful Face. Oh how I wonder what you would look like today. And much have you grown. My son Antonio please do not hate me. My son if I would my father he would have killed the 3 of us. Antonio, your grandfather has killed many of men to become the Godfather of the 5Familys. The Luciano Family in Manhattan,Ny. It's called Little Italy. My home is a in Brooklyn,Ny. My Beautiful son I was 15 when I gave birth to you and your twin sister Connie. I have told her about you and where you are and that your with your father and his family. My Twins Mother is Antonio and Michelangelo's mother Sophia Gambino I met her on beautiful spring Day.. She was the most Beautiful girl I have Saw.. I wouldn't have believed that her on father cut her throat in 1979 our boys were only Year old..I loved her so much and I miss her too this very Day and so does Antonio Michangelo I hope he is with hear he took his life in 1985 I miss you both so much I love you so much Sincerely Anthony Deaimen Luciano that you was separated Antonio and Michelangelo's mother Sophia Gambino I met her on beautiful spring Day.. She was the most Beautiful girl I have Saw.. I wouldn't have believed that her on father cut her throat in 1979 our boys were only Year old..I loved her so much and I miss her too this very Day and so does Antonio Michangelo I hope he is with hear he took his life in 1985 I miss you both so much I love you so much Sincerely Anthony Deaimen Luciano My son Antonio, it's been 10 years ago this 20 May 1963 since I last saw your Beautiful Face. Oh how I wonder what you would look like today. And much have you grown. My son Antonio please do not hate me. My son if I would my father he would have killed the 3 of us. Antonio, your grandfather has killed many of men to become the Godfather of the 5Familys. The Luciano Family in Manhattan,Ny. It's called Little Italy. My home is a in Brooklyn,Ny. My Beautiful son I was 15 when I gave birth to you and your twin sister Connie. I have told her about you and where you are and that your with your father and his family. My Twins Mother is sorry that you was separated is babies I Will always Love You no matter what love your mother Annabella LucianoIt's been a week since I've seen my wife we're in the car driving to a warehouse to where we will pick up two trucks John well drive the first truck and I will drive the second truck following behind Antonio is in the truck with me brother is a new truck with John. Peterbilt trucks are all black a brand new no one is ever driven except for the people that built me no one is to ever set inside of these trucks. I keep thinking about this policy if in my head no women no children no disabled and handicapped we're on our way back to San Diego until we have to leave again we're running really fast and hard the damn truck. Now I understand what I have to do and it's not going to be great it's like being in the middle of hell for all eternity enough John and I talk to each other I'm radios in the one to here but us Antonio is laying down freaking San Diego they will go to their training it's like I did and the other six. San Diego at work in the morge with Doc. technician to Doc. May God have mercy on my soul sincerely Anthony D.Luciano from this day on. Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and John and Maria Luciano are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand befall Tony Luciano and I will take an oath Luciano family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Tony Luciano, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and John and Maria Luciano do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Sicily. I John explain to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell you got to you can do itJuly. Sincerely Anthony D. Luciano.
Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and John and Maria Luciano are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand befall Tony Luciano and I will take an oath Luciano family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Tony Luciano, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and John and Maria Luciano do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Sicily. I John explain to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell you got to you can do itJuly. Sincerely Anthony D. Luciano.
Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and John and Maria Luciano are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand befall Tony Luciano and I will take an oath Luciano family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Tony Luciano, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and John and Maria Luciano do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Sicily. I John explain to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell you got to you can do itJuly. Sincerely Anthony D. Luciano.
Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and John and Maria Luciano are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand befall Tony Luciano and I will take an oath Luciano family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Tony Luciano, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and John and Maria Luciano do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Sicily. I John explain to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell you got to you can do itJuly. Sincerely Anthony D. Luciano.
Its my 16th. Birthday and my wife Caroline and I and John and Maria Luciano are flying to Brooklyn New York for I Will stand befall Tony Luciano and I will take an oath Luciano family only God knows. Of what I'm getting into I hope and pray and I don't mess up I'm so damn nerves that I don't mess up. Looking out the window the plane we're over New York City now we're landing here shortly I will be giving this oath. After landing at LaGuardia airport we got into a black Cadillac which the driver drove us into the City by Brooklyn New York I took my Oath then I done great with it everyone stood up and shook my hand and a pinky ring was placed on my finger. Tony Luciano, Don of Don's also another name for me The Godfather did you become a man today you will fly back to San Diego California tomorrow will your fat wife and John and Maria Luciano do you will be given a test that you have to do you cannot fail this test 5 a.m. the next morning we were on plane headed back to San Diego California John and I were talking and he gave me my orders you are the fly Palmetto, Sicily. I John explain to me what I have to do and you cannot fail if you have to do it. John told me I will tell you when you have to go he will go alone just remember everything I taught you my son and you'll do great we will be practicing every day until I tell loiuuu7iuiyou got to you can do itJuly. Sincerely Anthony D. Luciano.