

From Crush To Enemy _Park Sunghoon FF (Enhypen) Episode 1



He waves his hand to me, when he saw me walking to him closely, he started to jumping.

"Yah! Are you crazy!?"

I pinched him and he slowly take a breath.

"Yah..what happend? Why did you jump like a crazyonkey thatsaw a banana for the first time!?"

I ask him teasingly.

"Are you don't know!?"

He ask me with all confusion at his face


I ask him back because what the hell is going on?

"We have a transfer student here! I hope she's a girl!"

He shanke his tiny hand for excited.

"Okay...calm down Beomgyu.."

I spoke and he giggled. We walked and he spoke again.

"You know what?"


I'm just humming to him cause I want to choked now cuz' I'm dying seem a tall boy who was surrounded by a girls.

'Hope he will be okay..'

I thought.


I suprised and it was Beomgyu.

"Did you hear me?"

"Sorry, I don't.."

I spoke and lower by head.

"The student will be in our class! If he was a guy, I dare you will like him, hahahaha!"

I smack his arm and he just laugh.

"Okay, okay..come on we're gonna be late."

As we were walked fastly, I've bumped into someone's chest. All my books were falling. Me and Beomgyu quickly pick the books and the guy was just standing there. I look at him and I dind't even know who is him.

"Just throw your eyes away, girl! Watch out!"

He yelled on me. He walked and hittled my shoulder. Beomgyu was begin to catch him but I stopped him.

"Just leave him to me.."

He whispered to me. I spoke.

"It's okay. I'm good anyways. But, Beomgyu..."


He turned around and look at me before let his gaze on that guy.

"Do you know him.? I literally didn't ever sawhim before.."

I ask him.

"Me too. But the guy was over and just hittled my girl!"

I shock and smirked.

"Your girl...?"

He smiled and faded away because of what did he just said. He started blushing. Haha!

"Okay come on!"

I laughed and we reached our class.

Both of us peek inside and didn't see any teacher. We have a Hi-5 together and laughed.

"Move you two!"

We suprised that our teacher were behind us and the other started to laugh. We bowed apologies and take a seat while still embarrassed. Beomgyu was my seatmate, my neighbor and my childhood bestfriend.

The teacher put her stuff at the table and spoke.

"As you know, we have a transfer student here. So, please be polite and friendly to him. Does anyone know the student were a boy or a girl?"

I look at the classmates, they were shocked their head as us too.

"Good. I'll call him. Wait a minute."

After a minute, the student enter the class and boom! Me and Beomgyu was so shock! It was the boy who I bumped earlier.

"Is this real?"

Beomgyu ask me as he was clench his fist. I look at him and just shrugged my shoulder in meant 'I don't know'.

Beomgyu harshly put his hand to his hairs and messed it roughly, I know he's angry. While the girls was started to fangirling him cuz' of his smile.

"Such a fake face.."

I complained about him to Beomgyu in whisper and he nodded while just stare at his face.

"Okay guys shut down. So since he was the top student before here and I planned about the quizzes. So, I planned for change you seatmate and you won't cheat with them and I want you, Choi Soomin."

She pointed at me and I look at her and get up fastly.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"You're gonna seat with him and fought a rank both of you. Until the quizzes done, you all can change back your sit and if you want to stay, it's on you."

I look at him and saw he was pissed off. I look down and turned to Beomgyu. I gave him 'What now?' look. He just give me a warm smile. I look at them again and spoke.

"Alright, ma'am."

"Change your sit now and I'll have you some work, just check it at the counter list."

I seat back and Beomgyu spoke.

"Don't worry Soomin, look at what did she just say. You will change your sit after the quizzes done..right?"

I nodded and started to smile again.

"Yeah...that's my Soomin.."

I chuckled and turn around but I saw a group of girls who was looking at me. I know that were jeolous but, I'm not just smart at the good thing, I was smart in the bad thing too. Hehe..

I wrote something at some piece of paper and throw it to them secretly.

'I will change the seat after the quizzes and someone who was win at your group with the highest score will change the seat with me and I'll get back mine and he was yours..'

I saw them smiling and wrote at the paper and send it back to me.

'Okay! Thank you Soomin. You are so smart!'

Sahaeun the leader of the girls who was wrote this. I dare that she actually can win this game. Because, duh..she's smart too but only at the group.

After we all change the seat, I look at Beomgyu at my back and he signalled me a 'Fighting' hand. I giggled and look at the guy. I read his name at his book and...like...his name was Park...Dunghoon...maybe..

I look up and saw him looking at me. I act cold but embarrassed a little and furrowed my eyebrows to him.

"What are you looking at?"

He said with a calm voice.

"I'm just checking your name at this book."

I pointed his name on the book.

"Ouh, okay."

He smiled! Owh! That smile was so perfect..

"You are the president right?"

"Yes, I'm. Are you Park Dunghoon.?"

I ask him and he little bit shock.

"No, my name is Park Sunghoon. Not D."


_to be continue_

Hey, I've creat My fandom name. It's Cloudys. Is it okay? The Cloudys mean my fandom is a cloud that full on my book. Tell me in the comment!