

***chapter 4***

Turning out the bathroom light I spun around and was met face to face with a small boy holding what looked to be a chalk board and a piece of white chalk . He began to scribble on his black board something I couldnt make out at first but then he suddenly stopped writing and looked up at lolwith a puzzled look on his face. He shrugged his shoulders and turn the blackboard to face me and I was able to read out the words it said " Get out of here fast as you can don't believe anything my grandma says she's nutso" Not sure if he could hear me or not I'm mouthed the words "what are you talking about". He then begin to scribble something else on his blackboard. It it said "whatever you do don't take the pills." At this I was concerned. I pushed out of the bathroom past the boy and headed down the hall. I was halfway up the hall and I looked back at the boy and there was no longer a little Hispanic boy there but the familiar red 6 1/2 inch heels and those long legs was still standing in the red heels. Not this shit again. Click clack,click clack. her heels made the rhythmic sounds that seemed to lull me into a trance. I found myself walking into the white room and not even asking any questions about anything to not myself or anyone. This isn't normal. Waiting on the doc to come on with my pill I just couldn't help but to see the kids words in my head, " whatever you do don't take the pills". I had wanted to ask what he meant by this. Any questions would have to wait for now because that hand is holding the lil dixey cup is in my face and I accept it and the one with water in it I accepted it as well. I promised myself that I would pay very close attention to the moments that follow.
" Excuse me mam are you gonna order something" a puzzled look on the blonde petite waitress was exactly what she was feeling. I was hungry not sure what or when I last ate. Looking at the menu again I closed it and said " Do you have a house salad and a soup of the day here?" she blew a big bubble with her pink gum and as it popped she said " yes we do is that what you'd like to get?." The soup was hot and warmed my entire body even though it needed some salt it was kinda delicious and the tuna salad was pretty good.
After my meal I headed outside. Once I got out side I felt like someone was watching me so I started walking towards my house I think. I was almost there when all of a sudden I had a throbbing in my head that was so bad it stopped me in my tracks. My head hurts like shit then as if I was back in school I started to see all kinds of numbers in my head some sort of algorithm. Every single number and equation ment a certain something and how I knew this was a fuckin mystery to me. I continued to walk in the general direction of my house and then I turned around and got a glimpse of who was following me briefly before I saw sparks and felt the electric pulse go through my body, then I saw black and hit the ground like a sack of potatoes.
" Didn't I tell you not to hurt her ...?" The voice of a mean man growled. " Sorry boss I didn't know.,," the sabordinate said. This is crazy next thing I recall was my own voice saying" Where the hell are her shoes." Are you all stupid what good would she do me damaged.?!" Someone with cold clammy hands spun me around and was obviously the idiot that shocked the shit out of me, bastard. I layed there like I was still sleeping and I didn't know if it was working or not I'm just going to fake it till I make it.

***The end of chapter 4***

© NikishaDWarwick