

In the royal forest
It's lovely to be here. After enduring so much. Being amongst so many friendly souls!

Spending some time with family and friends has become a wonderful experience during this Pandemic process. For there has been so many obstacles that have been wearing my energy down. Yet I just keep on ticking!

Anyway, we all have been sharing strength and hope. Actually assisting one another at the same time. And doing so while we all are dealing with struggles. Which we did not realize until we began to sit back and relax!

Often times life is a bitter experience. If not majority of the time. Yet we always have a way of venturing into a moment of happiness. If only for the joy of it.

I have been reading through some writings mostly throughout the recent twenty four hours. Until my family asked me to take some time to spend with them.

I am grateful that I have taken the opportunity to listen and speak with each one. For I am grateful for being able to share this time with everyone.

You see. There was a time when I was not so eager to be productive instead of self destructive. Which often feels as if life is expecting too much out of me. Yet the universe has demanded that I standfast. For I have been moving forward. Regardless of how much I would rather give up. But why should I if the universe has not given up on me.

Anyway, I have seen quite a few good costumes on Halloween. Actually wondering how amazing it is to see some happiness and cheerful memories of such a day like this. Even the weather has been nice. So I had to accept the advice to take a break and spend time with everyone within this jungle!

No matter how difficult it has been. I still remained respectful and ended up being within a peaceful environment amongst family and friends within the royal forest!

The end of another beginning!

© Bazilisk49