

On Some Duke Denise Type Of Vibes (Part 1)...
During a marvellous day, when the world seemed to hum with possibilities, a young man named bishop found himself caught in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. He couldn't ignore the stirring of his soul, urging him to share his innermost musings and stories with the world, much like the legendary Duke Dennis sharing his stories with fans.

And so, with a resounding “Booooom," like Dennis, he found himself in the company of his girlfriend who seemed to demand his undivided attention. She stood before him, her eyes filled with an expectant longing, yearning for the pure attentions he seemed to withhold from her and the dresses she had recently purchased.

But bishop, in his own world of contemplation, was absorbed by the intricate dance of his inner thoughts. To him, the truth was a constant revelation, like the falling grains of sand within the hourglass of his mind.

However, he sensed his girlfriend frustration and decided to turn his gaze toward her, offering a glimpse of the attention she craved. In that moment, he began to share his thoughts about the metaphorical hourglass.

"The present time," has unveiled a world where the culture seems to have taken an unusual turn. Men have become passive, their masculinity slowly fading away, while women have adopted a newfound assertiveness, transforming into a more masculine and assertive. The economy, has been on a wild rollercoaster ride, spiralling downward since gold been depegging from the dollar since 1971. Reality has morphed into a real-life Jerry Springer show, a spectacle of chaos and contradiction."

Yet, as bishop ventured deeper into his thoughts, he posed a provocative question: "Is it blasphemy if I choose to remain wealthy and potent like Iman Gadhzi and go off the grid, while society spirals into madness?"

His words stirred a reaction from his girlfriend, a mix of laughter and slight seriousness but She dismissed his concerns, asserting that everything was perfectly fine in society and that he should focus on her, or she would leave him alone in the store.

In a sudden change of topic, she held up a dress for his appraisal, seeking his opinion. Bishop responded with a poetic touch, expressing his desire to witness his philosophical thoughts personified, to caress the embodiment of his inner world within the fabric of the dress.

Her response was swift and fiery. She grew furious and stormed out of the store, leaving bishop behind, grinning like Duke Dennis himself. With a sense of satisfaction, he continued to admire and caress his thoughts, enveloped in a marvellous bliss that came from expressing his unique perspective in a world that seemed to have gone crazy.

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