

True event

In 1986, a young woman named Angela lived alone in a small apartment in a quiet neighborhood. One night, while preparing for bed, she heard a faint tapping sound coming from her living room. Thinking it was nothing more than the wind, she dismissed it and went to sleep.

A few nights later, the tapping returned, but this time it was louder and more persistent. Frustrated and unable to ignore it, Angela got up to investigate. As she entered the dark living room, she felt a chill in the air and noticed the window slightly ajar. She closed it and decided to call it a night.

The tapping continued, now accompanied by faint whispers. Sleep-deprived and terrified, she decided to set up a camera to record while she slept. When she reviewed the footage the next day, her heart raced. The camera captured a shadowy figure moving in the corner of the room, seemingly staring at her as she slept.

Determined to confront the source of her fear, Angela reached out to her neighbors. To her horror, she discovered that a previous tenant had gone missing years ago, and her apartment was rumored to be haunted. No one had ever found out what happened to the tenant, and Angela realized she might not be alone in her home.

Feeling unsafe, she planned to move out. On her last night there, she set the camera up again, hoping to capture more evidence. The next morning, she found the camera had been knocked over, and the footage revealed something chilling: an ominous voice softly saying, “You can’t leave me…”

Angela moved out that day, never looking back, grateful to escape the haunting that had invaded her life. To this day, her former apartment remains unoccupied, a silent reminder of the tenant who never returned.

Sometimes the past lingers in the places we least expect, a chilling notion that resonates with anyone who believes in the unseen.