

Walter Nestor stared out into the abyss of dreams, hearing the abhorrent cries of the nightmare lands, as parts of weird unknown dilapidation began. He had dreamed it thrice before, but never had he seen it this vividly --- so he tried his best, through the visions, to beseech the gods and have them cure the dream-world of its decay.

So he went flying out into the distant dream-stars of Athnath, and saw all the battlefields in the clouds of the blue tribe, Skai. It took about a minute in the waking world, but a whole month to fly by all the clouds in the unbroken blue of dreams, until suddenly he found himself thrown into a vast and prodigious city dome. But, unlike other cities or kingdoms in the world of waking sense, the towers and pillars were empty, no man nor beast to be in sight --- and yet, all the monoliths and colonnades were untouched by vines and moss, so that, instead, they were still majestic and clean.

He searched the city, looking for any type of life to ask where exactly he would see the gods; and it took a whole day in the realm of dreams to find any. But when he did, he was surrounded by many purplish and pinkish bubbles, all glowing and lovely, and scattering around in monotonous turns. Cold indeed was the night, and Walter Nestor almost fell into a deep, deep slumber, before being awakened by the ancient Egyptian Pharaoh cats of Artith-Lä.

They were very quaint and adorable cats, who walked and played in packs of five. Then, one of the kittens began to play and climbed up one of the benches of the city, before Walter Nestor sat down on the other edge of it, beside a fairly aged cat. This certain cat spoke English, unlike the other cats who mostly spoke Arabic and Greek, and told Walter Nestor,

"And I have never seen a more wise man than thee, Mr. Nestor. We hath heard of thee before, but never hath we began to think that we would ever see thee. So I inquire, why exactly have ye come to these chasms in this realm of dreams?".

Walter stated, very wearily, that he came to find the gods, and beg for the saving of the dream-world for the terrible decay if which was only at the center of the nightmare lands at the moment. Then one of the cats hissed, and almost attacked Walter before being halted by the old pharaoh cat beside him.

"If" quoth the cat, "thou search for the gods, we cannot help thee; yet, I believe we can bring thee in the right direction.".

After this, Walter was extremely grateful, and they went on their way to the temple of those earthly gods.

It had been said very much before, of course, that there were other gods out there; --- and that the gods of Earth were wholly only the rulers of that specific land. There were gods of cosmos --- the infestation Infinite Horrible, and his wife the dead planet Samah, also known as the Ravenous Terrible. Walter had written about the gods of cosmos many, and many times before, so that there even was an anthology of his short tales labeled, 'The Book Of The Eight anthology, and poems of dread'.

Whence they had come towards the archaic jungle of Râ, the cats smelled a fearful scent in which no living man could notice, and they halted from any movement. Walter asked them why exactly they had stopped, but they would not speak. Suddenly, many thousands of abhorrent tribes of Skai began to battle, and Walter and the cats tried their best to sneak past the crossfire, and walk across the bridge of Oötht, where the priest Shůb-ťhaht would let them through the portal to the gods.

Then, a kitten was hit by a spear, causing one of the cats to attack. A riot began thereafter, and all the cats fought, and fought, and fought, and no bodies could be seen because if all the circles of cats surrounding them. The general cat screeched "'Hfãh, Hfãh! Leave, Mr. Nestor! Leave us at battle!".

As he reached the bridge, the priest Shůb-ťhaht stopped him from crossing the bridge, and told him that he could not past, lest he would do a task to do so. There were daemons doing strange rituals at the top of the mountains of Âŕthť, and he was offered a quest to slay them in return to pass the portal to the gods. And Walter Nestor --- desperate to save the dream-worlds, since he was a very aged dreamer --- excepted the quest that was given to him, and was flown to the mountain by a mighty eagle, until it was shot down before it could land and allow Walter to battle.

Then he was forced to climb the mountain of Âŕthť, and that is exactly what he attempted to do; but because of the abhorrently strong wind, he was almost blown out into the valley the nightmare, before being swept up and swallowed by one of the pinkish or purplish bubbles, which, Walter thought, was attempting to save him. Then, the other bubbles joined and collided into a singular and vast bubble, and they all floated him up to the top of the mountain, where he saw the tall and slim daemon-pirates that ate the flesh of the whippoorwills and some older Egyptian Pharaoh Cats.

And Walter began to battle the daemons, with bucklers, and swords, and beautiful and shining golden armour. It took a certain amount of time, but he was almost able to win the fight, before being swept up finally by the strong wind, and fell into that valley of nightmare.

He, thus, was almost entirely enveloped by the haze of a mighty storm; the horrid and grotesque decay beneath his feat, which, at all, began to infect him too. He tried his best to escape, but all in vain, for the dilapidation reached his chest, and he felt the pressure upon his bussom. But, before the decay and ash to reach his face and swallow his body whole, he awoke in his misty apartment at Atäl Inn, just west of the parts of Leincomtober.

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