

That Destined Day
Chapter 04

The way out of the forest was a haze to her. The pain of her wound and the shock of the recent events could make anyone loose a portion of their mind. After all, she was just an ordinary girl living a mundane life up until now.

"Let me take a look at your arm." The silver haired man said when they settled in a carriage like vehicle led by another strange creature, after they left the forest.

At his mention, the pain of her wound finally registered now that the shock subsided. She tentatively moved her arm forward and he gently took it in his hand, examining the severity of the wound.

Now that she didn't have to fear for her life ending without any warning, at least to some extent, she became very curious. Curious about this new place she found herself in. Especially curious about the man who was sitting beside her and making his fingers glow like it was nothing.

The blood that had been flowing for a while now, gradually stopped and the ache also started to dull significantly.

She wanted to ask how he did it. She also wanted to ask him, how he killed the beast with that arrow that almost looked magical. Infact, she wanted to ask a thousand questions, but she was afraid of offending him. After all, she didn't know the man at all except for the fact that for some reason, he saved her. She knew that as he looked so foreign and different to her, she would have also seemed like that to him, but he still saved her.

This made her relieved and uncomfortable at the same time. He could have a hidden agenda that she didn't know of or he could have just saved her out of the goodness of his heart. Everything was just so complicated.

"If you want to ask something, you can ask." And once again, the silver haired man's voice brought her out of her the whirlpool of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry, what?" She asked him a bit startled.

"I can see that you have a few or more than a few questions to ask, looking at the frown on your forehead." The man plainly stated. Although, of she could have seen his eyes, there was mirth present in them.

"Um, yes. Actually, I do have-" but she was interupted before she could finish her sentence.

"However, before I answer any of your questions, I would like you to answer some of mine as well." He looked up and made eye contact with her.

"Well, yes, sure. You can ask." She was still conflicted. If he were to ask about where she came from, what should she say? Should she tell him? What if he was a bad guy after all?

"No need for the stress. I know you are not from here."

Even though, the comment was expected but the timing was not.

"Can you really not read minds?" The question left her mouth before she could even process it.

"No, wait, I-"

She was again cut short by the soft tilt of his lips. She sucked in a breath looking at his visage under the evening sun rays shining from the huge carriage window. He really was quite good looking.

He lightly lifted one of his defined eyebrow when she didn't continue what she was about to say.

She cleared her throat and said, "Ahem. No, I just meant to say that how do you seem to know what I am thinking? I am quite sure I didn't think out loud."

"Yes, you did not. However, " he paused and glanced at her before continuing, "your expressions are plenty enough."

The amusement in the silver haired man's voice was not missed by her and the light red that coated her cheeks only made it more obvious.

"So, miss. would you answer my first question?" He asked in his light silky voice.

She blinked before answering, "Yes. of course."

"What is you name?"

"Oh. It's.... Aria."

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