

The danger night (ep-02)
continuation of episode 1 of the danger night..
when every one are in the mess...A girl completed her mess entered in the campus(movie watching place)....so in the campus there was no one ..so she went to the watchman uncle and start the conversation with him...there was no one and suddenly it started raining heavily...... they both are talking eachother....suddenly watchman uncle realised that he has to turn off the motor...which in the upstairs(5th floor).....so he went up...
the girl is only one in the campus with heavy rain...there are two gates for that campus one is big gate where every one will come from their..one is small gate where it was closed...
the girl stood near the small gate near watchman uncles palce...suddenly the small gate start moving with loud sound.....
unfortunately she can't see what is happening their becoz there is no power...
the feeling of that girl was untold...she saw the horror movie..she was alone in the campus..it was raining there was no power...suddenly gate was moving with louder sound....
so she shouted loudly with fear....
why the gate was moving??? Is their any one in the opposite of the gate ?? did she notice anything??...just stay and tune for 3rd episode..