

Jane's Diary
Episode 1
I kept my presence a secret. I'm around but you can't sense my presence because I'm different.
My name is Jane, the sole owner of the Dark Castle and not an hunted castle as people call it.
Smiles, how can she make her presence a secret?
This diary, this house is not what they call it, lets get out of here guys.
Wait guys let me return this book.
Halloween is always boring because there are no hunted house and no ghost to make us run.
Smiles, that's Halloween for you in Lacos Town.
Anyway bye guys, see you in school tomorrow.
That's how it started.... Lucy said weeping.
What started?
When I got home......
Mom, dad I'm home.
How was your day honey?
Great mom.
Goodnight I gotta rest.
Okay dear.
Wow what a long day,
Picking up my clothes on the bed and walk straight to my table to check the message on my phone, there I found the unknown book, lying on my table. Lying on my table.....she weeps
Opened itself and told me to write a story of ones death,
And it was must for me to write.
The bloody story started there as I wrote the death sentence of my friends and Family.

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