

The Mysterious Forest

In the dark and mysterious forest, there were a couple of young cubs lost in the forest.  Edgor and Raven were both adventurous and curious, always exploring new experiences.  However, Vanilla and Tuxedo were quite protective of their cubs and would never let Edgor and Raven in the forest by themselves.  As the cubs were lost in the forest, Edgor realised he had been longing for an opportunity to prove himself responsible enough to hunt by himself.  Edgor believed this to be his chance to show Vanilla and Tuxedo that he was capable of taking care of himself when all he wanted to do was find his way home.  Edgor and Raven wanted to be back in their cozy corner of the cave and they both felt so guilty as the cubs both knew that they were breaking their parent's trust by going behind their backs trying to prove themselves.  The trees watched them pass by with knowing eyes as they whispered to each other in the night.

Edgor and Raven's emotions were running wild, they were both afraid, cold and longing to be back in their cave before Tuxedo and Vanilla wake up and realise they have gone. As the night continued, the moon gradually dipped lower in the night, signaling the dawn approaching.  The trees notice the cubs and have been trying to direct them home using wind, moving branches and shedding leaves.  Edgor and Raven continue walking as they loose track of time, the sun begins to rise.  Edgor asks Raven; "Do you know where we are going?"  Raven replies; "You are the eldest, I thought you knew where we were heading."  Edgor and Raven began to realise that they were lost, Edgor and Raven looked for their tracks, so then they might find their way back home to the warm cave, but Edgor and could not tell which one were theirs.

Vanilla wakes up from the sun shining in her eyes and looks over towards where Edgor and Raven usually sleep, but the cubs aren't there, Vanilla wakes up Tuxedo by nudging him with her front right paw to see if Tuxedo knows where Edgor and Raven have gone.  Tuxedo didn't have any idea, he thought they were having a morning swim outside in the lake by the cave.  Vanilla went outside to see if they were swimming and then walked around the cave looking for her cubs.  Vanilla felt like they ran off in the night and got lost, she was worried Edgor and Raven could be in danger.  Tuxedo waited inside the cave, waiting for her to return.  Vanilla explained to Tuxedo; "I can't find Edgor and Raven anywhere around the cave, I'm going to go and look for them in the forest.  Please stay here at our cave in case they return."

Vanilla began searching for them everywhere she thought Edgor and Raven could be, Vanilla even looked up the trees because she taught them to climb trees while hunting, so they could hide and pounce on their prey.  Edgor and Raven still had no idea how to find their way home.  Vanilla was trying to track them with her strong senses while looking for any of Edgor and Raven's tracks in the dirt and the flakes of bark that covered the forest floor, it leads her closer towards her cubs, but Vanilla knew that she would have to ask the trees for guidence to find Edgor and Raven.  Vanilla looked up at the trees and bowed before them, the trees of the land saw Vanilla bowing in front of them.  The trees directed Vanilla by pointing their roots in the direction towards Edgor and Raven until she found her cubs.

When Vanilla saw Edgor and Raven curled up by the tree, she sprinted towards her cubs to make sure they were both okay.  The sun was high up in the sky, and Vanilla bought Edgor and Raven back to the cave safely.  When they finally reached the cave, Edgor and Raven were greeted by Tuxedo standing tall in the middle of the cave.  Tuxedo was happy to see his family back, but was also very dissapointed with Edgor and Raven for running away in the night.  Edgor and Raven were both so happy to be home, but were also worried about how their father would react about their escape.  Tuxedo hugged them, he was happy they were home safe and then stepped away, Tuxedo stared through Edgor and Raven's eyes into their souls.  The cubs gulped in the throats and tensed up with their tails between their small legs in guilt.  Edgor and Raven realised they shouldn't have scared their parents like that, while Vanilla refused to take them hunting that day.

Tuxedo sat next to Edgor and Raven, his stern expression softened in concern as Tuxedo said in a deep but soothing tone; "Running away was a dangerous choice as your mother and I were worried sick about you both."  Edgor mumbled softly; "I'm sorry" Raven continued; "But we wanted to show that we were responsible, and we wanted to hunt to prove ourselves."  Vanilla interupted saying; "Your father and I understand your curiosity for adventure and wanting to prove yourselves, you also must remember that your actions don't only affect yourselves but also those who care for you."  Edgor and Raven listened, their eyes fixed on Vanilla and Tuxedo.  Tuxedo had a gentle understanding, while Edgor and Raven felt a mix of guilt but also gained some understanding.  Tuxedo continued; "As your parents, it is our duty to protect you and guide you towards a safe future.  In this forest there are many dangers that we would encourage you to explore, just with your mother and I around until your mother tells us all you are ready to go out by yourselves.  It is equally important for you to explore by respecting our boundaries and considering our feelings too."  Tuxedo's words of wisdom got through everyone, especially for Edgor and Raven.

Edgor and Raven realised that their desire for excitement blinded them to the many worries and fears Vanilla and Tuxedo had in their hearts.  Edgor and Raven apologised and promised never to run away again.  Tuxedo and Vanilla gave Edgor and Raven a hug each.  Vanilla knew her cubs had learned a valuable lesson, one that would shape them into responsible and considerate cubs.  From that day forward both Edgor and Raven understood the importance of trust, communication and empathy not only for their family but also all the creatures in the mysterious forest.  Edgor and Raven were still both young with adventurous spirits, but were more responsible by exploring the forest alongside their parents.  As a loving and united family, the panther's spread joy, knowledge and harmony thought the forest.  The panthers are forever grateful for the lessons that have shaped them as individuals as well as a family.
Instagram: _unicorn.fish_
©Lydia 2023
© Lydia 2023