

the legend of the Silver Phantom part 2
the legend of the silver Phantom part 2 then Brandon created his own multiverse universe and then the archangel Michael said your first threat is coming to your multiverse your brother the horsefly want to take over so you will have to face him and his creatures and defeat them so the horse fly invaded his multiverse with his creatures and he said I want to rule your multiverse universe and their father super Louie the iron fist sent to stop now. Brandon said it's okay Dad I will face him and you can join me if you want then he said okay then Brandon summons his mother sister and his brother 7 to help him fight the creatures the first creature was in giant spider and we all cut off and leg and then sliced it in the Middle with our burning swords then the second creature was in giant snake and it attacked then we all sliced it down and defeated it the last creature is in dragon so Brandon turn into the silver lion wolf dragon Griffin and attacked it by spitting out in laser beam then Brandon defeated the dragon so the horsefly said face me c********* so they fought and horse fly used he magical powers Brandon used the powers of his two flaming swords then Brandon step brother the locksmith wanted to face the horse fly to revenge his mom so they fought then Brandon stop then and said the horse fly did and he do nothing to your mom and I will face you on the moon then Brandon faced the horse fly and they battled and the horse fly turn into a giant crab with wings and Brandon turn into the silver lion wolf dragon Griffin humanoid then they battle and they both spit laser beams at each other but Brandon's was stronger and defeated him then Brandon said maybe next time you did defeat me so I'll be gone then Brandon then Brandon went through the portal to face the locksmith on the moon The demon King then they battle on the moon and the locksmith said you don't want to face me by water then Brandon said whatever then blasted him with and laser cannon and Brandon defeated the locksmith demon King and took his throne then Brandon went through his portal and the archangel Michael said great job and you have another threat coming to your multiverse universe and face me because you be my host but first you will have to face his monsters and demons so Joel said to Brandon hey old friend to feed my monsters and demons then you can get stronger to face me then Brandon face the monsters and turned into the silver lion we werewolf and attacking them with his razor sharp claws he kill and eat most of them and then he defeated the monsters then he went to face the demons and they was very strong but Brandon had energy and defeated them and Joel said good job now face me then they fought then Joe will turn into dragon with seven heads and Brandon turned into silver lion wolf dragon Griffin and they battled Brandon spit out laser beam and Joel spit out fire and defeated Joel the host of archangel Uriel then Joel said I will be back till then goodbye old friend and he went through the portal then the archangel Michael said good job now there is another threat coming and fallen Angel name recon havoc Pablo he helped make you the silver Phantom and now he want to test your skills and take your multiverse so we can have it Pablo said I'll open the gate of hell to your multiverse universe and then you face me Brandon the silver Phantom then Brandon turned into the silver lion where will vampire and attack the demons from hell then Brandon turned into the silver lion wolf dragon Griffin and spit and laser beam at the army of demons then defeated them then Brandon and we can have it Pablo battled and he killed Brandon and sent him to hell then the archangel Michael killed Lincoln then he got out of hell while Brandon was still in hell then Brandon got the key from a button and face Lucifer before leaving hell then Brandon defeated Lucifer and became the king of the underworld so he went back home to face recon havoc Pablo and they fought and he turned into giant beast and Brandon turned into a silver lion wolf dragon fruit and humanoid and they battled and Brandon sliced him with his claws and defeated the Rican havoc Pablo then Brandon earn his warrior belt and his crown from the archangel Michael the end the soccer continues novel by Brandon Louis Jones AKA breezy Jones
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