

Sometimes love does not means to live together. Sometimes you have to sacrifice for one’s happiness. An Indian Mafia that ruled the seas of Indian Subcontinent who was also known as the King of Indian Ocean named after the Great Sea King Ceasar was feared by everyone in his business and any business that involves any relation with his territory. He had two sons. Nicolas being the eldest and irresponsible one and Robert the responsible younger son. Robert was the one who was handling Caesar’s business in his absence as well as his representative. While Nicolas only cared for goofing off and spending his fathers wealth. But Nicolas wasn’t only goofing around he also had a feeling of jealousy for his brother as his father was relying on the younger one more than him the eldest one. This created a spark for the fire which was about to rage between these brothers. Nicolas took very actions in order to put him down in the eyes of his father. But Robert happily ignored every single of his act. Which created a sense of respect and superiority in the eyes of the rest of the members of the syndicate. Even though without any result Nicolas kept on trying to inflict a wound upon Robert so that he would be hurt. But nothing came out as a result. Also his plans sometimes backfire as increasing his sense of superiority.
Soon, their father Caesar died due to heart problem but still it was unknown how this problem occurred because Caesar never had any heart problem. But after this a distress was caused in the entire mafia field due to which they had to decide who will be the next leader as soon as possible. But the problem was that according to the heritage process the eldest one should become the next king. But Nicolas had no sense of responsibility and Robert was not the eldest. Even though Robert was the younger one the syndicate was impressed by him and decided him to make him the new King but Robert declined this post saying that the eldest should become the leader. He also asked the entire syndicate to not inform anyone that it was hos decision otherwise Nicolas would not feel good about this. Soon Nicolas became the next king of the Indian Ocean and everything went smoothly as if the fire between the brothers that had been raging never even was lit. But one day one friend of Nicolas instigated him that Robert is taking actions and giving order without order. He feels like he is the king but he should ask you the real king. This worked as a fuel in the fire and raged the sleeping fire again. Nicolas started taking action on his own and most of them was direct opposite to Robert’s decision. This led to the direct downfall of their business. But Robert again ignored all this happily. This action of Robert made Nicolas angrier at him. One day when Robert was off to a business he met a college girl Julie. He met her accidently but then they started meeting and became girl and after few months they started loving each other. This news came to the knowledge of Nicolas. Then he planned on taking Julie from Robert forever. He started making false rumours about Julie but Robert had understood by that time that Nicolas is the one who is doing all this and as usual he ignored everything. By this time Nicolas was so angry and jealous that he stooped low and kidnaped Julie and threatened Robert that he will kill her. But this time Robert didn’t kept quite he went to talk to Nicolas he said he is ready to leave mafia and everything to him he has to just return Julie and he will vanish from his life. But he replied “I didn’t kidnapped Julie so that you can vanish. I didn’t dealt with our dumb old man taking so much risk so that you can just vanish from my life.” At this point Robert thought of what Nicolas was saying and asked him “what do you mean by dealt with him?”. Then Nicolas replied that their father threatened him to stop doing all this otherwise he will make you the heir and disown me. At that time I poisoned him and killed him . Hearing this Robert furiously jumped at him with an intent to kill but then their members intervened and stopped them. But this led to an internal conflict among the two brothers making great loss for both sides. The conflict was at the end but Julie was nowhere to be found. She was still with Nicolas’s men. Now both the brothers themselves came to the ground to settle the score once and for all. They both soon started fighting. As soon as Robert was about to win Nicolas cheated by using a gun and shooting him. But he missed a fatal point. Nicolas was about to shoot again and this time he was determined to kill him but suddenly he got shot himself. Robert was confused but due to the previous shot his consciousness was fading and by the time the face of the person who shot him could be seen he was knocked unconscious. After 2 weeks he came to his senses. After waking up he immediately asked for Julie. Upon his asking his assistant said that he found a letter on your body when he went to check and he also saw Julie leaving that letter on your body.
The letter was as follow:
Dear Robert,
I am a normal girl who value her life and career more than life. I cannot risk my life for such small things.
Do not try to contact me or find me.
Reading this Robert’s eye got filled with tears but this also changed Robert’s attitude and behaviour towards other. He stopped trusting others and became as his father was. Everyone was thinking that this change has made him better.
After 2 years.
One day Robert went to the same site where he battled his brother and Julie left him to remember those moments. He also went to the hospital he was admitted to and thanked them again. Then on of the nurse said it was all because of Julie. You should thank her instead of her. Robert confusingly asked “why?”. The nurse replied “ Julie was the one who brought you here. When we diagnosed you your heart was damaged and you required a heart transplant and luckily Ms. Julie’s heart was compatible for the process so she agreed. But she also told the doctor not tell you otherwise after the operation it will affect your heart. She also asked the hospital to burn her body after transplant and not let this get known by Robert at any cost.” We did as she asked and here you are now alive. Hearing this Robert was confused. He was thinking that if she did all this then what about the story his assistant told him. His assistant also resigned after that day onwards which made him more suspicious. He went to search for him. After a long time he found him and asked about all the incident. Then he replied “it’s true what the nurse said. I told you a lie. I am sorry but I did this all on orders of Julie ma’am she said to do all these.” Robert then asked about the letter. His assistant said “ it was also as said by Julie ma’am she told me to give you letter and say that I saw leaving you with that letter.” Hearing this Robert turned into tears and left his place. While sitting alone at a bridge he asked forgiveness for not trusting Julie.
The happiness of true love is not by staying together it is by ready to sacrifice for love.

© Broken Dior