

When love dies (Chapter 16)
I sit down, "Are you a good cook?"
"That is for you to find out, now eat up." He sets a plate down in front of me. The food was delicious. "So what do you and your friend do?"
"We talked, then went to the club for a little bit and then I came home."
"Sounds like fun." He sat next to me and ate. A knock at the door appears out of the blue. At the door is a delivery man with a bouquet, assigned for me from Taiki. "Here ya go ma'am. Special delivery." I took the flowers. "Who are those from dear."
"My mother."
"You like tulips?"
"No, I've always loved roses."
"I wish I would've known that."
"No reason. So you free for lunch?"
"I believe so."
"Good I'll pick you up a 2."
"Ok." He picked up his coat and his mask and left.
What to wear.. I decided to call Raven because she knew a lot about clothes. a lot more than I did. But then again I didn't want her to think I was going on a date. After all it was just lunch. I put on a sweater and a skirt, it seemed appropriate for the weather. By the time 2 a clock was here. I was ready and just sitting down. I jumped up at to the knock at the door. "Ready?"
We walk to the car and drive to a familiar place. It was the mansion. It still sent shiver's down my spine. How can I trust him after all that. He could be kidnapping me and I don't even know it. We stop at the fountain. He takes me to the garden where a picnic table is covered in roses, and around it is roses. "This place is.. beautiful."
© Fishy