


When I was a child I rebelled against everything you did to protect me out of genuine love and care, you went out of your way to make sure I had every basic thing I needed and more, you went against all odds to make sure you provided a good environment for me to grow-in to explore my potential and build my confidence and self-esteem as the man I am becoming now even with the limited resources you had at your disposal, you still managed to give me a life-style deserving of a king, you made sure I had more than just a coat of many colors like that of the veteran singer "Dolly Parton" who's mother sowed for her out of mere rags because they were poor, you made sure I wore the best coat like that If Joseph from the story in the Bible, and you didn't even mind if you wore rags to make sure I had the best life you could offer.

You made me feel like I was a product of love, that I didn't come into this world by mistake, you showed me what true love means in its raw form, and even now as an adult you can't stop going out of your way to show me that love, even though I tell you to stop because I am now grown and I don't need some of the affection you display to me, but now I understand that to love unconditionally is just in your nature and you don't just know how to stop or when to stop because you can not cheat nature. It has not been a jolly and happy ride all through because we as humans also have our ups and downs from time to time but I trust we are getting to a better place with healthier boundaries, good communication, and love, we can conquer all problems and misunderstandings to reach a better place where we will be best of friends and confidants.

I thank God every day for your life and also for giving you to me as my custodian and guardian, you have done a really great job on me even though I don't deserve it, we are not there yet, but I promise you that I will make every tear you shed because of me worth your while, and I will make sure I keep a permanent smile on your face that will heal you from all the pains you went through for my sake and I pray to God to help me do the rest, you are exceptional, you are extraordinaire, and you are a rare gem, I wish to have you as my MAMA all over again if I came into being in this world again.


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