

A Darkened Apparition - Chapter 1

  An illegal experiment led to the birth of several demi-human babies. We were all the product of unfortunate curiosity, The answer to the question. What would happen if we purposely altered our own DNA?

  In mythology there existed the Chimera, a horrific creature with both heads of a goat and a lion and the tail of a snake. Curiosity killed the cat, or so they say.

  Originally it began as a revolutionary way to grow human organs in animals for medical use. You can see why there was two sides of the fence, I mean, people getting a liver transplant from a pig might feel a little uneasy.

  Although, as science progressed people began to move past the strangeness of the idea. After a certain point, somewhere along the line someone must have wondered about the reverse effect.

Can humans be born with distinct animal traits? The answer to that question is yes, as I, Destroy Ashe was born with the ears and senses of a Felis Catus. I have big ass cat ears on my head, a troubling defect for sure.

  Anyways, something ended up going wrong when I was born. My mom became ill and died directly after my birth. You'd think that in a hospital they would be able to prevent something like that, but not in this case.

  The hospital placed me under the care of a foster house since there was no one else available to take me in. It seems my mother was a victim of some crime that made her the last member of her family, the origins of my father however, are completely unknown.
  So life of an orphan it is then, I suppose

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