

It is easy to forget someone ?
I have been asked this question everyday to myself and get no answer in return because I know I don't want too . How ! how can I forget the memories of you , the days we spent the laughter , the tears , the pain , the feeling of togetherness and especially us .
Every night when I look up at the stars I was just wondering about you . Without you it felt like something has been dead in me I have lost myself but it doesn't affect you anymore because I am no one to you yes ! because I lost you as a person you were be happy with someoneelse now and that's effect me badly 😢 .
At the end all I just want to forget you from my life from my memories from everywhere but damn ! It was all so difficult for me to do but I'll believe that it will happen someday and you will be fully out of life .

"May be the second name of love is pain but when it comes to self respect it should be the first priority"
© aaradhya..🍁