

Our Movie
Catherine Murphy was at home with her grandson Calvin Murphy. The phone rang Calvin go get the phone I am tired of getting up said Catherine Murphy yes ma,am replied Calvin Murphy. When Calvin picked up the phone he was listening then he got very excited and after he got off the phone he told his grandmother the good news. Well everybody from all over the world has been watching us on TV and reading about us in books we are offered to go make a movie together today this afternoon at Warner Bros studio said Calvin. That wonderful news I wonder what movie that they want to make out of? Catherine ask I am not sure but they said be down there at 3:30 PM so you and I gotta be dressed before 3:30 PM replied Calvin. When 3:30 PM came Calvin and Catherine went down to the studio. Hello there you must be Calvin and this is Catherine right? The producer ask yes sir replied Calvin my name is Kevin Bensford and welcome to Warner Bros you both will be filming with us said Kevin nice replied Catherine. you both will be filming with three young children your character’s names in the movie Calvin you be Lazlo the children’s father who gave your children to your mother while you are in jail and Catherine you will be Antonia the mother of Lazlo to help raise your grandchildren and here is another actress that will be starring in the new film she is 95 years old she will play as your sister Kennedy in the movie Catherine replied Kevin. alright that sounds wonderful replied Catherine Murphy. That day they started filming after filming it was break time but then Calvin’s blood sugar was dropping. Calvin are you alright? Catherine ask no grandma my blood sugar is dropping replied Calvin maybe you should check it said Catherine excuse me sir can you please let our break be less short? Because my grandson’s blood sugar is dropping said Catherine. Alright our break is now long we have a situation here said Kevin the producer. What’s your blood sugar Calvin? Catherine ask well it’s 49 replied Calvin alright I got juice and cookies in my bag replied Kevin the producer thank you sir said Calvin eat up and after this we got more filming to do replied Kevin the producer. That night Calvin and Catherine came home from the studio they both were tired from today’s filming. Well it was fun filming with the crew said Calvin I do agree but I remember your crew that we use to film with but your crew was much fun to film with replied Catherine Oh grandma that was very sweet of you said Calvin. Calvin turned on the TV he and Catherine saw their movie trailer was gonna come out in theaters soon it was called A LOVING GRANDMOTHER starring Sir Calvin Nance, Catherine Murphy, Joseph Harrington, Rochelle Livingston, Ronald Smith and Leslie Jones when both Calvin and Catherine saw this they both smiled
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