

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter four
Christmas came and went and all four of the older kids went back to school and me and Robbie were going with momma to visit dad at the railroad dock and we were running and playing the next thing I know Robbie shoved me and I fell off the dock on to the railroad tracks and I started screaming and crying momma and daddy ran out to find me face down in the tracks and I was bleeding badly from my head . Well dad scooped me up carried me to the car and off to the hospital for my first set of stitches I got 10 of them across my head . That hurt real bad momma had to keep me awake for four hours to make sure I didn't have a conclusion . She was so good at making me feel better when I was suck or hurt. That scared Robbie so bad he helped momma take care of me .Next year he starts school to with the rest of my big brother and my big sisters. I'm sure gonna miss Robbie thevibIll be the only kid home. He always picks on me and he also plays with me he is my best friend .Momma continued to work in the evenings this year and between my dad one of my momma's friends babysat us kids at least us younger two She would cook out supper before she went to work everyday I didn't llike my momma to be gone even to work .she was the only one that knew just how to take care of me .
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