

sleep paralysis
Have you ever woke up but couldnt move, Do you hear or see something in the room with you? Well I have.....

It all started when I was about 5 ,I was falling asleep with my eyes fixed on my closet door which was half open, all of a sudden I heard giggles coming from my closet which scared me half to death ,I tried to jump up and head for the door, but my body wouldnt move! then I heard a noise similar to the sound they used in the movie Dead Silence right after that in the same giggly clownish voice something said we're baccck.

That did it for me I fought as hard as I could to get my body to move and I bolted out of my room screaming for my parents. I dont know why it this started Ive read so many articles trying to find a explanation none make complete sense but Im 29 years old now and it still hasnt stopped the upside is now Im no longer afraid its just a thing that happens every now and then....
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