

yea david is a real person not all the names circulating...
he is a small cuban like marine man
with a distinctive large nose of Them
and he executives in the communist party
I more meant the poem as a rhetorical
question to speculate on whether or not pragmatics is post modern theory....
mariee sioux...my mama wanted me to
realize that shut downs were more about....hey Joe did you shoot a woman downtown....a woman?.....
...my birth father was somewhat of a mama...so it probably does bother ghost dancer that rape is not the stuff he gave me.....marieeeeee....housing is only for american cosmetic starlet...perfect as cats....and I hate to be Julius but steel magnolias I don't think my mental peer support as a young bisexual...harem...and polygamous husband both.... can what I can think of as energetics.......yea I love home if birth father always always always....and nothing else is home...
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