

Priceless Friend
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her. A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate she hustles in her heart seeing the car that gone longway far from her eye . She then went back home with sad crumbled face . It was no where she thought of this scenario . She then poke her neighbour who assisted with grand choli . She dressed herself again and went peeping all around the sides of road fearing for another rich car . Finally reached the festival but her face was not blissful as before . She realised herself that not cleanest dressing trends but the richest would give a recognition in this folly world . Her thoughts and longing was deep like Emily's melancholy . It might seen petti issue afterall but not for the one who walks besides the roads . She could not bring the blissful face even after wearing grand dress . It was the happiness and confidence splashed along . She after coming back home said all the incidents in an lowered tone with shrink face . Her friend not been perplexed as she continued telling her that the person in car might not even know or thought the way you are crumbling in your head . And added that she need not put it in her head with her personal life . It is common that once in lifetime most of the people would get splashed by filthy water by car . Nothing to take it personal . There are incidents where people ought to get this scenario while going to their interview too . What would you do if you met so ? asked her friend . A small lip smile a little . She then realised it was not be thought so serious and it's quite funny part . She then hugged her friend in charm . Thus both giggled and enjoyed their own time . A good friend is always priceless .
© Dharani Sivasubramanian