

No one ever believed in superpowers but as the world advanced, 80% of the world's population possessed powers with fascinating abilities. But as the world became full of chaos, the profession "hero" was created. The rapid increase of crime was unbelievable that it had everyone's heart in their mouths. Raiya, the most feared criminal, was behind all this. She succeeded due to her power, mind controlling and super strength. She controls her victims mind to do whatever she wants. Anyone who stood in her way died a wasteful painful death. Most heroes became cowards due to her amazing power. Heroes from across the world gathered to find a way to destroy Raiya. Finally, a brave young hero came up with an interesting plan to break into Raiya's hideout and capture her but for this plan to succeed, they had to train intensively for three months. Finally, it was D-DAY and every hero assembled for war. This war was fought beside "THE GREAT SOBER SEA". It wasn't an easy task to defeat Raiya. There were explosions, screams, earthquakes, vibrations and others which caused great damage to the nearby village, Hidden Mist, a village covered in mist. After the war the sea dried and there was hot sunshine which caused the blood on the ground to evaporate into the mist turning its colour to red, changing the name Hidden Mist to Blood Mist. A few heroes lost their lives while others were injured. The battle was named," THE GREAT WAR" because of the effects of that battle. The drying up the sea, the bloodshed and the damage caused to the nearby village. THE GREAT WAR was remembered every year and people mourn for the heroes who died and praise the ones who are alive.