

The Deaf Death

© Diavolo Seeing the birds chirping was a pleasant sight. I wish I could hear them too. Going to school was a pain since I got bullied for being deaf. They act like I asked for this to happen. I was only a first year into high school so I couldn't drop out yet. This one bully named Brad always harrassed me. What made it worse is that he knew sign language so I knew what he was saying. I went to sleep hoping that I somehow regained hearing but I realized that would be because I would hear what they were saying to me. I just gave up on the thought and went to sleep. I woke up and there was someone right next to me that I've never seen before. He said to me something that destroyed me. "I'm sorry but your mom is dead." My heart stopped. The only person who cared for me passed away. "What is your name?" "Vаииеээа." I walked outside keeping all my emotions inside and somehow had the will to go to school. Then of course, Brad shows up. I discovered something when I was talking to him. I could hear. Not clearly but enough. I don't know how I didn't notice when talking to the doctor. But when I heard what he was saying broke me. He called me so many slurs. I шаэ Тiгеd of it. In a split second, his ears was bleeding. He didn't noticed it. Then, for some reason, my hearing was better. I think I was taking his hearing. His ears was dripping in blood. "What's going on with me!" I said slowly in his ears "Goodbye Brad, enjoy Hell with no ears." His ears popped off with his head and I laughed and enjoyed it. People came around the corner and saw me. I kept laughing as all of their heads popped.