

The Land of dead (part-5)
Amelia it's my mom, dad never talked about her. He never kept any pictures of her, dad loved her,"She was a beauty filled with ambition, the only woman I ever loved." that's the only thing he said.She left him and it broke him.
The old woman kept smiling, the girls looked at me with fear and awe, "It is her, It is her.. " a voice rang through my head. Feeling of betrayal, sadness and anger ran through me, "No am not Amelia, you can call me Lark" she looked stunned for a moment and nodded. "you should be tired,show lark her room"the woman's voice contained authority , a petty girl began escorting me to the door. my gaze fell on Jake and Jordan "Oh.. darling, the boys will be fine, you can meet them on dinner " the woman replied. The room was the one of the most luxurious room I had seen, it had a colour combination of red and black, a giant velvety bed and racks of antiques arranged to match the background. It was hard to put things togather, this weird place, weird behavior of those people, the portrait the old receptionist. The girl with those beautiful eyes whom I envied a while came in with an expensive wine bottle and cheese cakes, "Who are you, what is this place, why are you showing us this hospitality without wanting anything"I questioned. "Without wanting anything?" she looked at me as joke and she tried to smile it away, "My mistress will tell you when it's time ". That old lady is your mistress, she was relusent to look in my eyes. She nodded and continued to pour the wine into the wine glass, "you are soo beautiful" she commented, "you too" I replied. she smiled in the corner of her lips and handed me the wine glass "why are you not drinking. " "am not allowed to" she replied hesitantly, her face grew serious "why are you here, people die in here, this place is filled by.. them, your mother.." a tear ran through her face, "my mistress should not know this" I nodded she ran out , the place haunted me, memories of my mother flood my head, Laark I heard her scream
.......will be continued

© lark lavender