

no hope part 3
The teacher finished the lesson and left the class. Some of the students got around me. "Where you from?" A student asked. I looked at him straight in the eyes. He looked away from me when he saw my eyes. He stopped talking to me and went to his other friends. "You killed that guy with your glare. That's pretty cool." The guy who made everyone laugh at me said. When he started talking to me everyone walked away. I looked at him and ignored him. "How mean just ganna ignore me. Well my name's Micheal and I'm 15 years old." Michael said getting some comics out. We sat there in quiet until the teacher came back. "Take your seats!" A teacher shouted. "Who are you?" A student asked. "Your teacher just got fired, I'm your new teacher starting today. If you don't behave I'll send you straight to hell. Call me Mr. K it stands for kill. Before this job I was an assassin, don't take me lightly." Mr. K. I looked around and the students looked scared. They all just stared at there desks. Micheal stood up and walked to the teacher. "What's up bitch." Michael said stepping on Mr. K's shoe's. "You better stop punk." Mr. K warned Michael. "I don't like you scaring my toys." Michael said stepping on Mr. K's shoe's more. Mr. K punched Micheal on the face but before he could Micheal catched the punch with his fist. "Don't you dare think I'll go down that easy." Michael said. Mr. K hugged Michael with a big smile. Michael hugged Mr. K back with a big smile. Everyone in the class looked surprised. "Your such a stupid kid brother." Mr. K said letting go of Michael. "At least I wasn't stupid enough to become an assassin and kill my own parents for a job." Michael said. Michael stopped stepping on Mr. K's shoe's and walked back to his seat. "Ok class we'll start the lesson so no noice and pay attention cause tomorrow you going to have a test on everything I'm about to teach you." Mr. K said while writing on the board. Everyone got paper and pencil out. They took notes and paid closes attention.

© the unknown