

The Hit Squad
January 1st, 1987

Tina the first-ever jewelry theft and the first known lesbian Jewelry theft. walks into Kim's jewelry store in sunny Ville California and holds the store up at gunpoint everyone is on the floor now. give me all of your money now and jewelry or blow this place to kingdom come. Kim Kim hears all of the rackets she comes out to see what's coming on, Are you Kim the owner of this jewelry store, this is a robbery, help this employee get all of the jewelry and money, now she's not going can't be enough. Can you all move any faster because I am in a hurry I have places to. And people to meet come on. Tina has had enough of the slow employee, with a gun to the employee's head if she can't move any faster this employee gets in, in 5 4 3 2 1, here you go this is everything. Tina, are you sure? Yeah, Tina runs out to get Wawuncar with her lesbian lover as the driver. , so. Honey did you get me anything in the heist yea here you go. My sweet nothing oh my god! This is the biggest diamond ring that I have ever seen. I love you forever and I love the ring.

Tina and her lover speed away from the crime sense when they notice that cops staring at them follow behind them pull up this is the cop's pullover now or we will be shot. I am not going down without a fight Honey, I know that this isn't going to be pretty but I love you Keep on driving I will start shooting, Tina's lover driving the van Tinas finds a pathway behind an old shopping mall, Tina" a lover she drives down the pathway to get away from the cops they finally lose the cops, l Oh! My god Tina my love you have been shot Tina, there is a first aid kit behind the back set go get the first aid kit are you okay Tina I am fine. First aid kit in the I work on to l try to get the bullet out. All you used to be a nurse right honey you do know how to treat bullet wounds right yes honey. have to do is treat me. Since you are a former nurse you should know how to do this, you are all wrapped up and the bleeding has stopped. thy now the cops are miles away from them so they pull over for the rest of the night in a wooded area. (Tima) yes, my love we are going to have to plan is next job in the morning. Yeah, my love. They start to kiss and they hang a sign out that said if this vans a rocking don't come knocking. and make out with each other. So Tina

do you feel better? Yes, dear. (Tina) I don't know what I would do without you, I don't even know if. I would be alive without you. (Tina)/we need to plan our next job in the morning. And it going to take a few. More people, honey do we even know a few more people (Tina) I know some people who are getting tired of working a 9/to-5 job and they know that crime pays more, okay honey? The job that we just did was a success. Honey are you calling you getting shot a. Success. Yes. Good night honey good night ]Tina. I love you so much honey good night. I love you so much, Tina.

The next morning Tina and her love wake up the next morning to a beautiful day outside, Tina my love, love yes the first thing we need to do is to dump this van because the first this isn't the first thing that the cops will be looking for. Tina and her love, keep on driving until they reach a when they come on upon NinA's house knock I'm, Tina goes to the door who is it it's me, Tina and my love are here too. Please the both of you come on in because you both have been on the news the coos are looking for you. That's why I am we are here for don't you have an extra bedroom that we can bide out in? For a few days? The bedroom is upstairs up to the right of the house. (pulley)/how are those two women who just came here? Nina, they are the two friends that I told you about the ones that are in trouble. (poll)/oh! My god! That's them please don't say anything I want Nina. (Nina)/also these two friends of mine need a new set of wheels and new looks on it. (Apollo. All are the car dealership this is poll I need some new wheels a d I need them. Fast, (car dealership) what kind do you need I need a 6 seater van with front wheel drive. Okay car dealership we ai have the van out for you by today's end. Okay sounds good (Polly see you then.

(Polly) calls Breand's Haircut and Beauty Supply phone rings at Breand's hair cut and beauty supply good morning thank you for calling Breand's Haircut and beauty supply's how may I help you today? It's me Polly I am. It called for me but I am calling for two other friends, they just came from out of town they just need a new hair dew and a new look could you spare for of your girls today for that? Brenda, I can when do you want them? Over as soon as possible, break d you sound like that you are in some kind of rush.? (Poly not really, they will be over at around two this afternoon does 2 o'clock sound good to you? That sounds great.

(Nina) (poll) Could you go and do me a favor could you go and get Tina's old van? An and pull it in the garage for.. me please, sure thing Tina anything for my love kiss. Kiss. Polly steps out of the house with the van keys polls steps in and she parks the van in the garage. Hey, Nina yes my love poly I ordered a. We can for our friends Tina and her love, that's good the van should be here by the end of the day. And I ordered a name over for our friends we should have them over by two. O'clock today to start the makeover for the. (Nin AFTER everyone leaves we should get. Together for dinner and call. It a. Night, so we can help them. And their next job sounds good.

2 pm arrives the hair stylet pulls up to the driveway they step out of the cars and make their way up the long walkway. To the house knock knock who is it the hairstylist that by unordered Come on Polly) could you go and get our guest of honor please share things. When Polluy goes up to the bedroom she finds Tina and her love in verse states of undress. She tells them to get dressed because has a surprise for them. Waiting downstairs for them, Tina and she live to get dressed and head downstairs with one another, (So) you must be the two lucky women who we are. Making over today and giving you two new looks. , so we are. Let's start the makeover girls first, we ask that you set down and have a seat. Tima and her love set down they had two beautiful women each giving them. The makeover. They start by cutting their hair and painting and repairing nails. How does this feel this feels great we gill. Like a billion bucks. After the haircuts and nails, they look amazing like two new people and they move on to the legs to remove any leg hairs and armpit hairs and they also. Paint the ladies foot nails after the makeover was complete Tina and her lives couldn't believe how different they looked the makeover has a token of over 10 years off of their looks no one could recognize them now. (okay)/Polly how much did Ifoni change you for the complete makeover of both women? On! /about 450.00 bucks only that sounds good here's 450 bucks plus a 150 each dollar cash tips for all of you each thinks for your time. The Hairsylst leave the house I e turns to another did you see the blonde and how she was looking at me? We did, you don't all think that it was the blonde-haired woman, you don't think that I was her how Robbed the jewelry store yesterday don't you all? (no) couldn't have been because the woman that they said robbed the jewelry store and shot at the police was about 20 or 25 pounds slimmer than she was, that right won't have been her. They get back to Breand's haircut and beauty supply while all. If the girls were getting ready to clock out for the day, the girls had to leave the money on the counter, not tips. So they all clock out and go home for the day after a busy day.

(Tina's new van arrives the car dealer personnel make their way up the long walk away to Ninas and Polly's house they knock on the door and Tina answers the door, Poly home please we need to speak to her, it's about her new van oh. That, !! Polly door who is it, it's the car dealership you need to sign the paper on the new van right down. Polly makes her way down to the door How may I help you, yes we are here for the new van, may I come and see it, of course? Everything looks good just as I expect it to look where don't sing here and here. Okay, thank you may have the keys please sure thing. Polly receives the keys and goes upstairs and knocks on Tina and her love's door here are the keys to your new van it's a 6-seater. , you both can't go around in your old van because that is the first thing that the good will be looking for in the morning.

(Tina) what are we going to do I am scared my love Tina please home me, (Tina) come here. Me Love let me hold you. Tina's love starts to cry, what if the cops do catch up what are we going to do, don't know but we figure something out. My love since we have a minute before dinner let's go and check out our new van, okay Tina let's go, my love, Tina loves you so much, Tina and her life go outside to check out the new van, just as Polly said it was it's perfect. (Nina) supper is on the table come in and eat, (Tima the food smells so great who cooked it Both. Of us, I and Polly always do everything together cook clean we never miss a beat with each other, unlike men all they do is come. Home set down and expect their wife or g/fs to do everything for them. We never do. Nothing without doing stuff together it's more. Fun like that. After. Dinner all. Four women help to wash the dishes and put the dishes away for the night. Then they all go and get freshened up and go to bed. Good. Night everyone. Take care see you in the morning. Kiss, kiss.

All of the young women wake up to plan their next job. Meet downstairs and set down at the kitchen table to plan the next robbery carefully. What should we do about his next job should it be a bank or a jewelry store? Tina, what do you think I think it should be a Bank which bank would it be the bank on the corner of Johnson and F Street? Oh, you mean that bank. Tina and Polly, we hate that bank because they owe the USA a lot of money. They have stolen and said that we owed them. Money, the only problem is that we have never banked with. They, Tina well have you both called them, yes but they keep on saying that we owe them. No. Matter what. And that we have to pay them over 10,000 dollars in bounce fees, but it's like I said that we never banked with them. There is also a restaurant across the street from the bank Nina Polly should go to the restaurant and stake out the bank while I and Tina go into the bank and act like we want to open an account. When Tina and her love reach the bank they go in the bank and the teller asks if anything that I may help you with yes we are here to open an account. Have a seat someone will be with you both in one. Minute.

Meanwhile, Nina and Polly go to the restaurant across the street and go set down and start. Casting the bank out. Meanwhile. Tina and her love get help too. Open up a bank account hello there my name is Carrie how may I help you both, yes we are. Here I'm opening a checking account. Here are some papers please fill them in. Out and we. Have an answer. For you both in an in one hour thank you.

Meanwhile at the restaurant Polly and Nina continue to set down to case out the bank a server named Connie, comes up to Nina and. Polly how may I help you today yes we would like to have two big breakfasts and two soft drinks with water. Coming right up about 20 minutes later they receive the food at their Table. Enjoy. For your meals, if you need anything else please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you.

Polly and Nina a continent case out the bank have counted at least 45 people coming and going from the bank in the last hour and they notice that the. Bank didn't have any cameras outside of the bank. Meanwhile, Tina and her love White inside for the answer to see off they can open a checking account, Connie) I need. To. Talk to you both Tina and love I am. Sorry but we are going to have to turn you down for a checking account, and a savings account, it's because you owe this bank over 10,000/in bounce fees and checking account fees, Tima that's impossible because we have never. Banked from this bank before, And love just moves to the area about 2 months ago from Chicago. (Connie very nice area I am from Chicago myself. But I am, so sorry. Girls I wish that I could be more of a help. That's okay Connie you tried your best. Thanks, Connie both Tina and her love leave the bank. Go across the street to join Polly and Tina for breakfast at the restaurant. Connie comes up to Nina and she loves how my in help you today., we are. Netting two. Friends here too. we see them they are setting at the table right by the window facing the bank. So how may help you we will have what they had. You mean the big breakfast with a soft drink and water right? Yes. Think you, Connie, so, what took you so long Tina, and love we had to wait for an answer, Connie told us at the bank that we owed 10,000.00 in bank fees and bounce fees. We told her that was impossible because we just moved here from Chicago no. More than 2/months ago, liars lol. So Polly and Nina how many people did you see walking through the bank and out we counted at least 45 including employees. (Polly) -and Nina how many cameras are in the bank we only counted one so that be easy to hit and disable the cam. Tina here comes our food love let's eat.

(Becky) Connie! What's wrong do you see the two ladies setting at the? Window pointing to the bank yeah what about it I think they are casting out the bank too. Rob it. And the two ladies that just came. It seems weird and I haven't seen any of them here before it could be nothing but it could be nothing too. Becky) if you think that there is something about those women do t wait to call the cops Connie calls the cops Hillside police department this is Eastlla how maybe help you this is Connie's room the restaurant across the street. At the bank earlier we had a group of women in here ordering food, but I think that they were casting out the back for a robbery. For a robbery how so? When the women came in they ordered there for da d they were counting the many people who went in and out of the bank, they say there for a couple of hours, before their other friends came back from the bank mad because they get turned down for checking and savings account. They said something about the bank having no cameras outside and one camera inside. And the bank would be an easy target to knock off well. Think you for the Info we will keep an eye on the bank. (Becky)/what did they say they oy said that they will keep their eye on the bank.

The girls start to plan the robbery when they get back. Home. (Tina ) Polly) do we have a game plan or do we act like a bunch of rare Bs and back off of this? Polly) no, this plan is on as scheduled Tina but we need guns we need bullets and bulletproof vests, and masks do you have a plan like this? (Polly ) I know a few. People that I can get all. Of this stuff from, (poly calls her contacts, (Rocky) hello this is tina how are you today? How are you today Polly the reason for the call I am going to need four bulletproof vests from you and we need them. By Wednesday morning that sounds be no problem. Thank you. Goodbye. Polly now calls. Her other friend Billy Billy's phone rings! Ring brings Bill picks up hello good morning this is Billy this is Polly I. Going to ask you a favor and a few of my girlfriends are going to need guns bullets and masks and pepper spy and tear gas, Billy why do you need all? Of that for are you going to rob a bank, (poll don't tempt me so. Billy when can you have this for me I can do all of this by tonight, Tonight sounds great. And we're going to need a quite few targets for target practice. All of this will be ready and brought over to your house by tonight. Polly tonight sounds good do you know what time will it be around 8 pm see you then.

Tina well. Polly did you call your contacts yes I did d what did they say Billy can have the guns the bullets the gas mask and the paper spy all over here by 8/pm tonight. But are going to have to wait on the bulletproof vest until we end the day in the morning that's fine. (Tina) we can wait until Wednesday. (Tina I say we go back to the restaurant today and we will case out the bank one more time. All. Our Girl goes back to the Restaurant to case out the bank one more time to make sure that it is a good target to hit when our girls get seated. For their meals, your waitress be with your party in a few minutes please wait. Hello sorry for the wait, Poly you are fine we are not in any hurry here, my name is Connie I be taking your order., we will all start with soft drinks, please four soft drinks coming right up, Connie, Beckybiymts them they are back and they are setting at the same table that they where setting at yesterday. And they are facing the bank Aging justice they were yesterday. (Becky )/if you don't feel like waiting on them if you think there is something up I will take their drinks to them and tell them. That you went on break that sounds like. Plan. Express me girls I am. Sorry, but your waitress went on break she ask me to bring your drinks out to you, I hope that's okay, it's fine thank you by the way my name is Becky if you need anything just yell okay we will do. Tina, have you been keeping track of how many people have gone in into and out of the bank? There have been at least 45/people so far, this one guy must have been smoking something because he couldn't stand up straight. (Pollly) that's funny, (Tina) I think that he works there too, Tina, I think that this bank will be too easy to hit. And when Tina and my life were in the bank yesterday they had a guard there with no gun or bullets. And like I said they had one camera that would be easy to shoot out. Tina and the girls leave the restaurant without paying for a third drink they all go back home and wait for the supply that they need.

At 8/pm the gun targets bullets and had a mask and pepper spray All arrived at the house thanks songs much do I owe you BILLY ABOUT 1500).0.00 0 DOLLARS in some hard cash, (Polly )/why so much, Billy do you have any idea how much trouble that I went through to get this stuff for you pay it or leave it. (Polly had to think a minute okay ill take them thanks for the cash Babe when Billy leaves (polly)/takes her gunshots in the back then once in the head because she's afraid that he knows too much, and she recovers the money the weapons. (Polly Ti can you help me? Do something here. Can you help? Curry Blu body you didn't you did you, I didn't have any c(Poly I didn't have any choice he was going to go to the CIOs about this, and all of us so I did everyone a favor. But Polly you didn't have to ki go. Didn't you? For the final time yea. Polly and Tina take his body and bury him in the backyard. Do you want to tell anyone about this right I

Promises that I will not tell. Anyone. Wednesday morning comes and the others are informed to bring the bulletproof vest to the girls. Why do you need this aging you are asking way too many questions, (Polly if you want to live to see another day you will give us the stuff and take the money and get the hell out of here. Okay, I will. Goodbye. By the way, Poly have you seen Billy no, Tina, /the last time that I saw Billy he was at Club Med getting drunk I think.