


A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on, not knowing what to do i tried to change into one of them but was hit on the head by a shoe, still trying to get back on my feet and try the cloth again I had a knock on the door it was the owner of the house because i work as a cleaner in the house, so it was time to go home
The next morning i was so egar to know why the clothes in the wardrobe still has their tags on,I waited until the owner had gone to work,as i worked to the wardrobe i felt a Sharp object on the body of the wardrobe,I pressed it and behold it opened, it was a secret entrance to an unknown land wow what a nice place i said with many wonderful things I feel like not going back again to the other world,I was feeling like Alice in wonderland, and i said to myself no wonder the tags are still there,then I heard a very hard knock on my door i opened my eyes behold it was all a dream,i was in a dream inside a dream