

Perfectionism Is a Trap
One of the basic strategies for life life itself has taught me is that you should never strive for perfection. Perfection is an attractive, well-organized, a very cleverly organized trap. Never dare to step in it.

The most productive days I had weren’t that disciplined, but those were the days when my to-do list had been ticked off entirely. The fantasies of perfectionism often take over my mind, mostly about how good and organized and systematic the ‘tomorrow’ will be. Tomorrow? It never comes.

Never, never in the whole history of time did it come.

But why do our mind always wishes to take the train to that perfect, organized, ordered life in Wonderland, knowing that it’s a lie? Why?

Because, we never accept the real-life. And you must live a life if you’re alive, right? Yes, it is messy, imperfect, incomplete, but it is the reality, far better than those fake conceptions, since it is real.

I often find myself daydreaming about a Sanjid who has acquired a whole lot of knowledge and is praised by everyone.

Faggotish stuff.

Those dreams—Daydreams—Finishisng a bunch of novels, becoming an world-famous writer, are nothing but hogwash. If something has to be done, I’ve got to do it in the real-life.

I found the best ideas to improve my life when something got messed up, when I got to acknowledge that the deeply desired so-called ‘perfect’ moment would never come.

Now, it's the time to forgo the past and live for the present moment, the only thing I truly have, this-very-moment, even if it’s not in my possession. Let’s live it, even though it’s messy, imperfect, incomplete, and there’s always something missing.

But it is the moment, the only moment to breathe, to live, to connect. Let’s live it present over perfect.