

Mother of Demons
It didn't take me long to figure out what had happened to Lucifer. Though I can't take all the credit for figuring it out. About a month after having Adam and his family removed from the garden life on Eath began to flourish.
Heaven had created more humans than I knew of and their population began to grow. After a human would die the angel of death would come and either take them up or throw them down into the fire pits.
Life felt empty without Lucifer and I was left completely alone until I met Beezlebub. When I met Beezlebub he was nothing but a malevolent spirit that had escaped from hell. Beezlebub was the one who told me what came of Lucifer.
Fore Lucifer was the king in hell and administered all torture for the wicked. In return for Beezlebub's knowledge I had given him some of my own and told him the secrets to becoming a demon. With the knowledge I had returned to him, months later he returned to me a demon. That was when I learned time ran differently in hell, things were much slower down below. I was so proud of my work and Beezlebub worshipped me as if I were his creator. He would follow my every command, it was a very intoxicating kind of power.
Feeling blinded by that power I went on to create more demons . First after Beezlebub came Leviathan, then Belphegor and Asmodeus. Though the one I enjoyed the most was Adams first born son, Cain. Cain had been sent for the murder of his brother Abel. Cain being the world's first murder made a very powerful demon.
I soon had a small army of demons who would follow me anywhere. Though even with my new demon family I still felt a hole inside myself. All my pain inside sat for many years festering until I finally couldn't take it anymore and I commanded my army of demons to follow me in the annihilation of the human race.
This was the beginning of the end for not just myself but this whole planet. If I had to lose everything, I would make this world feel my pain and know my power. Onward we marched to paint the city of Mesopotamia with the blood of mankind.