

Selfish Love: Chapter 2
Maruqez lets Ruru go for now...then when school is finished, Maruqez was waiting outside Ruru's class.
"There you are" Maruqez said as she rises her hand to ruru and smiles. So Ruru slowly held her hand. Then as they were walking home, Maruqez havent eaten her croissant, so she rips it in half and gave the half to Ruru and decides to sit on a bench, watching the sunset..
"Maruqez.." Maruqez just looked.
"What...are you really...like..what exactly are we?.." Ruru doesn't know how to ask, and Maruqez was shock.
"I mean you're rude but then really kind..i dont..get it, you know??" Ruru felt so awkward yet scared to what Maruqez will answer. Maruqez just sighs and fixes her sitting position to look at her..taking a deep breath
"listen here..my poor little ruru" Maruqez thinks for a moment then suddenly said "i myself dont understand...there's time where i feel like doing good things but...when it doesn't turn well it goes really bad.." she slowly looked down.. "or...i really dont know" her eyes starts tearing up, and ruru notices it, she also felt bad but doesn't know what to do.
Then she suddenly runs away, so Maruqez ran after her. "H-hey!! Ruru!" Ruru just kept running while laughing, Maruqez was confused but started smiling. Ruru saw Maruqez getting close, she panicked, but then Maruqez caught her, Ruru kept laughing, so Maruqez just giggles. "I never seen Ruru being this happy in a very long time...poor thing.." Maruqez hugs Ruru's head "but no..i should make her leave me...i should make her carry herself..im no savior.." Maruqez said to herself as she releases Ruru to look at her smiling. "Come on, lets go home".. but as they were on their way home, Maruqez didn't feel right, she felt embarrassed, and miserable for ruru. She didnt hold her hand like she always do.
When they reached home, Maruqez just starts preparing lunch "do your homework, okay ruru?" Maruqez said as she turns around to look at her, then ruru nodded then added "okay"..meanwhile, Zury was with her best friend (Rynhee). "Stop smoking Zury! And take some sleep tonight!" Rynhee yelled. "And why would i do that?" Said Zury, "i can do whatever i want to myself, mind your own business!"
"Oh my..GOD!! I really want to kick you out right now!! Without me, you're out there homeless! And starving!"
"I would be a rich bitch without you" Zury said as she smirks, which shocks Rynhee. Then a of a sudden Zury stuck for a moment, then quickly said "Nah, im just joking, i can't do that, ewww" Then walks away.
"Jeeeeez...She's a total pain to deal with" Rynhee said to herself as she sighs and sat down trying to relax while Zury is texting her friend Yuna, Dark purple hair, bright blue colored eyes, and a scar on her left eye.
"Got into another fight??"
"Yup, Ryhnee just keeps telling me what to do"
"Well, she's just trying to take care of you, think about it, if you keep what you're doing, you can get a very bad sick..that might cause you death. Or addiction, and if you cant get what you wanted, you would go crazy stuff..you know better". Zury got pissed off "she's right tho.." Zury said to herself. Then she saw Ruru walking by, she gasped. "Is that the girl Yuna was talking about??" Zury quickly took picture of Ruru and sent it to Yuna. But yuna was spacing out, so Zury called her, she startled and answered, Zury was shouting, so Yuna had to put the phone a little far from her, "YUNAAAA OPEN MY MESSAGE, I THINK I SAW THE GIRL YOU WERE LOOKING AND TALKING ABOOOUUUUT!!! OPEN NOWWW" Zury then hanged up. Then Yuna quickly opened the message..she was shock "She's...she's still alive..!", Yuna cried in joy "Ruru!! You're here!!"