

Words of power.
A boy came to a mother and asked, "Mom, what is power?" the mother who is a Queen and her son being a young developing prince came to a quiet place where her mother began, "Son, power is not hereditary, it isn't wealth eighter, nor even riches, power is not on your body, it is in your head." Then the son asked, "My head! Why? How?" The mother laughed, "ha! Son that is for you to figure out. Which part of your brain has power stronger than Gold, tougher than diamond and Better than wealth........" Before she was done, an alarm, horn was blown, the Kingdom was declared under attack, the king led to war, and was killed, the kingdom became powerless according to the people, the king was a symbol of power, he was killed, power in the kingdom was no more. The prince was not ready, the last kingdom's army was wiped away in the battle field. The Queen also died, she led the last army that vanished in the battlefield. The kingdom's last hope was, the prince, a scared little boy, who was confused at the time, he he was the youngest in the kingdom. The oldest wizard came to the prince aid, the wizard knew his duty to prepare the new king for the Kingdom since only the little boy had knowledge on leadership from his parents, called the "Majesties knowledge". .... The boy was scared, he cried, he had no family member left on the line at the time. The wizard knew their only hope was in the heart of the young boy. The wizard gave him words of encouragement that wiped away his tears quickly,"Young Majesty, what shall we do, the enemies are closing on us?." The boy answered, "I don't know!? Okay" The wizard asked again "Why don't you know?" The boy cried, "Because, only my parents know and they are dead! ." again the wizard said, "But they live, they are in you, in your heart, their knowledge in your head and their voices in your heart."... ~The boy then stood up, he remembered his mother and Father's everydays words. He believed that they lived. He closed his eyes and listened to his heart, and opened them and the boy said," Let's all prepare, they are almost here". The wizard starred at him and said, "Prepare!?, but we have only ten soldiers left, young majesty, we are clearly out numbered." The boy stood up, wiped his tears and said bravely, "We are not out numbered, they are, now, call everyone for a a parade, do it now." The wizard did exactly as told by the young King. ~At that evening, at about four o'clock, the enemy clan "Radishians clan" arrived. The king dropped from his horse and smelled the air, and he said, "They ran off, cowards, flools. Search this area, for materials."The enemy closed in, it was not until the enemies reached the center of the village, then they realized, it was a trap. When one of the soldiers dropped down a torch of fire, out of nowhere, fire explosion from every corner occurred, the enemy where burnt and buried alive. The young king w became a success, and did the impossible. He killed them without without sacrificing his people or soldiers. Soon they all came from where they had hid, a nearby forest. That night was celebrated unlike any other. A new error began, of the youngest king "King Desrin" ~KING DESTRIN'S ERROR ~. A NEW day began at the reborn clan. The people with smiles, the new king with pride, the girls with dreams. Destin played an important role, but now he is receiving its credits. The majesty 's eldest wizard, adviced him, "King Destrin, it's time you chose your Queen, and I suppose it will be easy since many girls are after you."..