

Where Destinies Unite : Episode 6
I went for the door. I was shocked by seeing Cassandra at the hour, assuming that she'd have to take extra classes to catch up with the syllabus. "Uhh.. hey!" I said, with a slight hesitation.
"Hey, can I come in?"
"Ah yes, of course" I stammered. I really suck at socializing, afterall. We walked through the hallway into the dining hall. "It's time for lunch, you must be hungry" I tried to talk.
"I'm starving!"
I had some curry left in the fridge, which I quickly served her.
"I thought you had extra classes" I said.
"Yes, I had, but I skipped them" she replied, "is your lip alright?"
"Ye-yes it's fine. Were you at the gate too?"
"Yes, I saw everything" she said, "Why did you not fight back, huh?"
"I.. just, I'm not strong enough" I answered, trying to hide myself.
"Those broken punching bags at the corner tell a different story" she pointed at a distance. Oh, dammit! I had forgotten to put them away.
She looked at me with piercing eyes, "It's okay if you don't want to tell me."
"No, it's not like that-"
"I understand.. leave it"
I decided not to speak up and make the matter worse. This wasn't the best start of our friendship, I thought. She was a great girl, and I liked her. But it didn't necessarily mean that I trusted her. I mean, we just met yesterday.
"Alright, I should get going now!" she said, standing up.
Being socially awkward, I didn't know what to say. Should I agree with her?
"Yes, you should go"
Damn.. she gave me a look. I completed my sentence, "I've some very important work to do."
"Oh, I see."
"I'm sorry!"
"It's okay.." she moved out,. but suddenly turned back to ask, "Hey, would you like to go somewhere after the school with me?"
"Y-yeah, sure" I replied, "why not!"
"See you then!"
"See ya"