

The hidden pain of an Old women
The old woman was near death. I could hear her try to draw in painful gasps of breath. I felt helpless as a doctor in this remote part of the world. Was there nothing I could do? or I could try to help her by becoming a good listener to whom she can share her feelings her pain which were hidden inside her ,..
The voice which is suppressed by the male domainating society ,,
Her wishes her desire that she dreamed in her young age which were not fullfilled because she was a girl ,..
Yes girl who does not have right to chose her lifepatner ,who only have to obey the society pressure and the one who had to sacrifice her wishes her love for the sake of her parents happiness ,,..
I thought of asking her by holding her hands and and questioned to her,"Mother how was your experience as a girl as a mother ,as a wife ,and as a grandmother ?
What faces and behaviour of society have you faced ? From where you girls get that heart to hide your tears from your parents ?? and where you female get guts to say ,Yes I am happy with a smiling face ? instead of hiding many pains and tears inside yourself ,!!!!
I thought I could become a man whom she can hold and with whom she can share all that feelings ,pains and happiness which she had hidden inside her since long !!!
Because in some case we do not need medicine we need a good listener with whom we can share and make ourselves free from the burden of feelings ,,!!
I thought I could help her to move in the heaven with happiness and with free heart ,.... and make her realise that yes
New generation of man are becoming one who tries to understand the women's feeling and pain ...
#story #emotions #womenempowerment
© Mayank Kumar Kasaudhan