

Rivers Run PT 7
The next few days go by faster than River wants them to. She is fall harder for Cash everyday. He goes above and beyond to show her that a life with him could be everything she could she calls Bethany to see how her and the baby are getting a long and she had got the baby some more things and wanted to take them to her. River road her bike over to see them and stopped by to see her mom and dad on her way back. There were a group of bikers at her dad's shop when she pulled they all were outside including her dad. She didn't know their club"Warriors for Satan", They really didn't look any different than any other Club so she rides up to the side of the house and gets off and goes in with her mom. "River get in here and shut the door your dad said for me to stay in the house till they left." "What's going on?" "They are fucked up or somethings asking your dad about where to go to find women and shit like that." "What the fuck are they doing here?" River ask. "Daddy worked on the VP's bike." River looks out the window and sees her dad trying to get them to head on out the Rotties sitting next to him watching them.
"I am calling Cash and Chance." River says. Cash doesn't answer her but her brother does. "What's up?" "You needs to bring the guys and come to mom and dad's now." Chance is yelling at Gunner and Whip to mount up and there must be a couple other guys there too. River tells him what is going on as she sees one of them point up to the house. "Hurry Chance." Cash is beeping in when hangs up with Chance. "What's up beautiful?" "I need you at mom and dad's now." She tells him what is going on as she sees two of the bikers get off their bikes and start work to the house. "Mom go get Bella and Rose from the backyard." Her mom runs to the other end of the house and let's the other two dogs in the house. "Good girls watch." The dogs go to the door and sit down and look out. River looks out to see the two guys turning around and walking back to their group. "Dad must have told them they would be sorry if they came up here." "They are all watching the boys."
Cash calls Chance "Where you at?" "We just turned the corner by the oh he'll I see you sitting there let's go." Cash pulls out of the gas station and galls in with the rest of his buddies. They are only about 5 minutes away.
"You guys really need to head on out I don't want no trouble with you or your club." Billy says. "We aren't looking for trouble I just want you to introduce me to that pretty little daughter of yours." "I am not she has an old man and I promise you don't want to mess with him." "Boys go on up there and tell that pretty little thing I would like for her to come out here." The two bikers get off their bikes again and start to walk to the house. When they reach the door one reaches for the handle and Bella goes through the screen and Rose is right behind her and they have the guy on the ground. River steps out the door as the other guy takes off back to his bike "Bella Rose hold." The biker is laying on the ground with almost 400 lbs of pissed off Rottiweller standing over him. "I wouldn't move if I were you I just have to say one word and promise you they will rip you apart." "Okay okay." "Now what do you want?" "My boss just wanted you to come out and meet him." Cash and Chance and the others come flying in the driveway everyone stops at the shop but Cash he rides right up to the guy on the ground in front of River and he looks pissed. "You okay?" "Yes" "Call them back." "Bella Rose come." The dogs walk back in the house. "Get up and you better tell me why you are fucking with my old lady quick before I do more than what the dogs would have done." Cash tell the guy. "My boss just wanted to meet her I was following orders." "Well you better just let me meet your boss instead of my old lady." Cash walks behind the guy back down to where the rest are sitting. "Which one of you wanted to meet my old lady?" "That would be me, now I wasn't lookin for trouble just seen that fine looking lady ride in here on her own scoot and wanted to meet her you don't see many ride by their selves and she is damn pretty." Cash walks over to the guy "Yes she is and she is mine, so you and your crew can head on out cause I don't want to have any problems in her parents driveway." "That's cool it's all good brother I am sure we will see each other somewhere down the road, boys let's ride." They all start their bikes and head out the driveway. River and her mom watch till they are gone and then go outside River runs to Cash. "You okay?" "I am now." Billy puts his arm around Amanda and leans down to pet the dogs "Good girls." "They just paid for themselves if you ask me." Amanda says. "When did you get them two?" Chance asked."Your sister got them for us for our anniversary and they have been at school till two days ago."'
"The broker wouldn't take them said their hair was too long so my boss told me I could have them if I wanted them before she tried to sell them herself so I got them.""Well it looks like that was a good idea." "Come everyone I have fried chicken and all the fixing at the house." Amanda says. "Let me lock up I think I am good for the day." Billy says. "I will help you." Cash adds. River kisses him and then walks back to house with everyone else. "I will get that roll of screen out of garage." Chance says. Whip starts taking the ripped up screen out of the door River helps her mom with the food.
"Thank you for coming out to help with the mess today." Billy says picking up a few tools. "No problem I would do anything to keep River safe. That's why I would like your permission to ask her to marry me." Cash said rolling a couple bikes in the big door."I see well I am surprised you even asked me. I mean it isn't that big of a thing now days like it was back in my day. When I asked to marry Amanda we were already on the way to having Chance. Her dad didn't know that but I was going to marry her even if that wasn't the case. Cash you are a hell of a man, I would be proud to have you as my son in law so yes you have my blessing." "Thank you sir." "Stop that sir shit now let's go eat before it's all gone." Billy and Cash walk up to the Chance and Whip are fixing the screen the four beastly dogs are laying in the shade at the side of the house. "Dinner is ready." Amanda says. Everyone goes in the house River goes up to Cash he leans down to her."Hello beautiful." "Hi there handsome." Going up on her toes to kiss him. Everyone eats and River helps her mom clean up. Then they say their good byes and head out. Billy wraps his arms around Amanda's waist "cash asked permission to ask River to marry him."
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