

the soul of this modern age
we are surrounded by desire, it lives on every side plastered on every surface. Men and woman lose their jobs because they could not encore enough lust within your very soul.
How can this be what we have degenerated to? The crowning jewel of creation, the most self important name we could think of , and yet we spend the majority of our money and time on either inventing new ways to actually harm one another or we spend our time pretending we are harming one another.
where is our shame? Our true destiny stares us in the face each evening when we look up and yet what do we always say? ah well the next generation will be the ones to populate the stars, we just don't have the technology right now.

you fools, do you not know that unless their is either a very severe decrees in birth rate or we lose a very large portion of our population to plague and war our children will be the ones who must fight tooth and nail for what little is left for our Mother to give?
They will curse our names for not setting the foundation for them to climb out of this hell we so blithley call heaven.
We and our parents are the ones who stopped forward progress for ease of living and borrowed pleasure and time, but the borrower always borrows from someone and in this case those lending are our very own previous ones.
dear to our hearts only in thought but when it comes time for action it's not enough to stir us from our guilty pleasures and comfort foods.

President Kennedy set a goal to go to the moon before the decade was out and bring the astronauts safely back to earth. This was accomplished on 1969 and yet here we sit happy to see the new pictures and reimagined images from NASA. They continually tell us they have found exo planets but what does it matter? what progress have we made?
WE have traded entertainment for our very future.
I think often times on all that we might yet still accomplish if we could but realize that outside of this atmosphere we may have some other sentient species who have prior reasons to owe us assistance but that is a hope unproven and unknown in truth all we truly can count on is one another, flesh and blood brothers and sisters.
We must begin moving or else our muscles will atrophy and this monster who wages war against our very souls and the soul of this our only source of life and sustinenc will never be shaken off.

we must come together regardless of what we want. how can you not realize that our differences of politics means absolutely nothing, as of now we have absolutely no control over the government anyways. ,
Our disagreements will only matter when we actually have the ability to affect politics. And that will only happen when we have taught off this ravaging beast that drains the very blood from beneath our feet.
© Modern Immortality