

Whirlwind of Love
"Don't forget, somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love... so much love."

In the beginning, it appeared like a flicker, a mere spark in the vast darkness. It was a connection that transcended time and space, weaving its magic in the fabric of our souls. Like cosmic particles converging, we met in the serendipitous moment of our lives, and little did we know that it was the start of an extraordinary tale.

As our eyes met, a thousand words danced between us, unspoken but felt deep within. From those first stolen glances, love took root, growing deeper within our hearts with every breath we shared. It was a love that knew no boundaries, defying logic and reasoning. There were no words to define it, nor expectations to confine it.

Our love blossomed gradually, like the petals of a delicate flower opening to embrace the sun. We reveled in the harmony of our laughter echoing through the hills, intertwining our fingers as we strolled through the moonlit streets, and tasting the sweetness of stolen kisses beneath starlit skies. Time seemed to stand still whenever we were together, as if the universe itself was preserving those precious moments.

With every sunrise, love breathed life into our existence, filling the crevices of our hearts that were once void. It transcended the mundane and transformed our world into a vivid symphony of colors and emotions. Every embrace held an eternity within its grasp, and every touch sent shivers down our spines, igniting passions in the depths of our souls.

We became each other's rock, guiding one another through the tempestuous storms of life. In the depths of sorrow, love served as our beacon of hope, reminding us that we were never alone. Through the trials and tribulations, love was our anchor – steady and unyielding. It whispered words of encouragement when we stumbled, and it celebrated our victories like a rapturous orchestra.

But as with all great tales, our story took an unexpected turn. The winds changed, and an unforgiving distance invaded the space between us. Life's cruel hand tore us apart, leaving behind a void that only love could fill. We were left longing, our hearts aching for the touch of the other, and all we could do was clutch onto the fading memories of our time together.

In the silence that followed, love took on a new form – it became a bittersweet ache, a constant reminder of what once was. It was a love that transcended physical presence, reaching across oceans and mountains, refusing to be extinguished by time or distance. We held onto it fiercely, for it was the only remaining testament to the passion we had shared.

And as the years wove their tapestry, we found solace in the knowledge that wherever life took us, we would always carry that fervent love within. It became a part of our being, etching itself onto the walls of our hearts, forever imprinted in the story of our lives.

So, here we stand, on opposite shores, our paths having diverged, but our love entwining us still. Somewhere between hello and goodbye, our love thrived, and though circumstances may have changed, its essence remains unchanged. For in the realm of love, time holds no dominion.

Don't forget, somewhere between hello and goodbye, there was love... so much love – an eternal flame that continues to burn, igniting our souls, nourishing our dreams, and reminding us that once, in the tapestry of our lives, we found a love that defied all odds.
© Jevanjee