

Four corners, directions leading out from a frame around your picture. Remembering us standing in that cold art shop, dim lights flickering above. Nearly forgot where we were going and still haven't figured out why we stopped there. That little shop, incense and quiet air. Hearing our footsteps on wooden planks that were mismatched but still felt strong. The hollow space beneath it reverberated like thunder and drums. A January breeze that felt like hand ushered us through the doorway. If it wasn't held open I know it would have smeared us like the carcasses of insects on your dad's GTO. The frame, dark oak, unfinished and still glowing, the candle of memory. Awkward name for a wooden frame. I found myself staring at it sitting on the windowsill. It was as important as the picture of you that I refuse to put inside it. There was no reason that it would hold me back. Fighting tears by looking at your smile. So bright, I could not find a way to place it in that frame. Almost like it was the final place I would see you. Too long have I held your polaroid heart. Too quickly did I lose you. I know I have to let you go. Let time continue. I say I love you and place the picture, slowly, into the frame. I know I have cried more times than the sum of all sorrows, but finally, I can feel these tears escaping my eyes to run down my face. I wonder if you could see them. I look to you for the last time and know when you are ready, I will see you again. You mouth the words, "Thank you, Forever with my heart, or together never start. In love with you". I blow you a kiss and I know you felt it land on your cheek. You give me that smile again.i walk towards you and into the grace of awaiting angels behind you. No more will your picture keep disappearing from the Candle of memory. You will never have to wonder if me passing was the end of love. You came back to this art shop for the last ten years, almost every month to find your picture gone. Replacing it, and knowing that it was me that had it. This is my promise, my love , this is the last time....I made you reappear.

© Midian