

The red string of fate (Oneshot)
It is said that you can see your own special red string, connected to your soulmate.

But needless to say... I don't have it.

Besides me not having it, I can see everyone's string... Weird isn't it?

Because I didn't have my own red string, I was ridiculed and made fun of by the others.

I was made into an outcast, because of that.

My parents... Unfortunately for me.
Weren't open about it... Not even the slightest bit.

They kept calling me the cursed child and degraded my very being.

Eventually, they couldn't stand my presence so they tossed me out to the orphanage.

I was never loved...

I don't know what it feels like to be loved.

I just feel... So empty.

...What I learnt was that love... Is unsatiable.

Humans would do whatever it takes to feel love, they are greedy after all...

We all are...

I closed my eyes and hummed to a melody in my head, ignoring the couple in the background who are flirting to each other.

I scoffed at their kissy faces and threw a french fry into my mouth, chewing it.

Others might think that they are fated for each other but they're not...

They are cheaters.

Since they aren't even soulmates...

I quickly ate my food and got up to leave, but when I walked pass their tables to leave, I was tripped over by someone's leg.

I fell onto my hands and knees as I groaned, standing back up as I dusted the dust away.

Glaring at the couple who only mocked at my 'ugly' appearance.

They soon ignored me and began making out with each other.

I sensed some people staring at me in sympathy.

'Tch if you feel sympathetic, walk your ass over and help me.' I scoffed mentally at their pity look.

I stared blankly at the couple as they continued exchanging saliva.


"If you aren't gonna apologise, at least stop kissing. I can report you for PDA." I state bluntly taking out my phone.

They stopped their actions and glared at me, "Just go away you bitch! We don't need your opinion!" The hoe exclaimed angrily.

"Alright than..." I trailed off before I leaned in slightly closer towards them, slipping my phone into my pouch.

"I hope you don't regret..." I whispered to them darkly as I saw her shudder, the guy only stared at me mockingly not expecting me to do anything.

I turned my back and walked out of the store, I took out my trusty magical scissors from my hip pouch and cut both of their red strings, tying the other two floating strings together.

Leaving the both of them without any soulmates, I grinned at my work before I walked off merrily.

Now... I only need to do one thing... Apply to a school.

I need to at least have a degree so I can get a good job to support myself, I went into the library to use their free computers and search for schools.

The first thing that popped up was 'Beverly High school.' I stared at the name before I clicked on the link.

Now to sign up... Fill in my name... Age... Address and... gender.

I clicked on the submit button and sighed.

Hopefully they'll accept it.

"Rose! There's a mail for you." The caretaker of the orphanage exclaimed, handing the letter to me before she continued calling out for the other kids.

I nodded and thanked her as I picked up the box and brought it back to my room.

I opened the box and saw a note...

All in all, I got accepted into the school and will begin tomorrow.

Since they knew that I was staying in an orphanage, they gave me free uniform, books, socks and shoes.

I nodded at their kindness but felt weird about it since I didn't mention my size to anyone... Anyone but the caretakers know...

So maybe the school called in to ask them?

And what kind of normal school can do this intense background digging?

Well whatever, who would care that much about me anyways.

I have chocolate brown hair and light hazel eyes, 5'5 (168cm±) in height and had an average weight for my age...

Okay maybe I do work out a little so I have a toned body, I wear oversized hoodies so no one really knows.

Just a normal, plain teenage girl...

If one could say.

*The next day...*

I woke up at exactly 5am sharp like I always do and began my morning routine, brushing my teeth, washing my face and going for an hours run around the whole neighbourhood 5 times.

I would than always rest for about 5-10 minutes before I take a bath, it would always be around 6.20am so I'm pretty sure I have plenty of time to eat and go to school.

The caretakers would wake up at 6am to prepare breakfast so when I came into the dining room, the food was freshly cooked.

I ate the toast she made and thanked her for the food, gulping down water for the dryness from the bread before I officially left the orphanage.

I am currently 13 years old so 5 more years till I have to find a proper home, by that I mean to provide for myself.

I was carrying a sling bag that has all the materials as I walked off to school, I had memorized it's location so it wasn't that hard.

All I have to do is to take the train for 3 stops and take a 5 minute walk to reach there.

I should be fine...


I am completely lost...

Apparently this was not the right station so... I'm stuck here asking the people who are walking pass me which all of them happen to be 'In a rush' so nobody can help me.

I even went to the station to ask the people there, they all just shrugged at me innocently.

Like wtf is this dumb luck...

"O-oh sorry." I apologised as I knocked into someone, I fell onto my bum but this person didn't even budge.

I quickly picked up my books that were scattered onto the floor and he decided to help me pick it up as well.

He handed it to me neatly as I placed it into my bag, thanking him for helping me as I looked up to see the person who I bumped into.

He has a light brown hair colour and tanned skin.

I was met face to face with an electrifying blue coloured eyes that seemed to speak to my soul.

I shrugged it off and stared at him blankly.

"It's alright... But I can't help but notice your uniform. I have attended the school for 2 years and I haven't seen you before." He asked.

"Ah... I'm the new transfer student." I replied flatly before I averted my eyes and scratched the back of my nape awkwardly

"Uhm... Do you mind if I well... follow you? I don't know how to go there." I asked slightly embarrassed about the fact that I'm lost.

He chuckled at me before he responded jokingly, "Sure, just don't loose your way next time."

"I won't." I promised, before I followed him to the school.

"It seems like I took an extra stop... No wonder." I murmured under my breath as I stopped to look at the school.

"What class will you going to be in?" He asked, I held out mt hand for him to wait as I searched my bag for the schedule.

Unzipping the front pocket as I unfolded the crumpled note. "Cass 1-2." I responded.

"Wow! We have the same class! Is this fate?" He asked jokingly.

I glanced at him slightly, "Maybe it is..." I trailed off.

'He doesn't have a string...? How?!'

"What are you looking at?" He asked with a bright smile, "Nothing... Just looking at your rings. I thought the school won't allow it." I replied.

"Cool right?" He asked as he showed me the rings, bringing it closer to my face as I stared at it unblinkingly.

"Yeah sure." I simply said, "You don't sound like you like it." He wondered out loud.

"It's okay..." I said once more.

'How can a school be possibly this huge...'

"Here we are! Your new class." He exclaimed with a hint of laughter.

He opened the door and walked in like a bad boy, immediately going towards his seat as the students greeted and approached him.

I stared at the scene blankly as I shrugged, waiting outside for the teacher to come.

A few second later the teacher came and stared at me who was waiting outside of the class.

"I'm the new transfer... Names Rose." I introduced myself, she looked at me with a strict gaze, as if analysing my looks and behaviour .

"Alright, when I call for you. Please come in." She replied, still squinting her eyes at me doubtfully.

'What's there to even doubt lady?'

"Alright class, before we begin today's lesson. I have something to announce..." The teacher started off as she kept the suspense and tension high.

Her eyes scanning through her class before she announced, "A new transfer student. May you please come in." She continued off as the students relaxed a little.

Staring at me as I walk in the classroom casually, I stopped and did a little bow. "The name's Rose." I stated bluntly as the students stared at me.

"Alright... Does anyone have any questions for her?" The teacher asked, as a temporary moment of silence passed before that guy raised up his hand, like being infected.

All of the students raised up their hands, following after his actions, "You." The teacher randomly picked on a student on the front row.

"How old are you? You don't look 15." He asked, I frowned and replied. "Don't look like 15? Why would I? I'm 13..."

Gasps were heard from around the class as I rose my brow in confusion.

Does this mean everyone is older than me by 2 years?


So the school actually did some digging and found out that I'm smarter than my age so they placed me in a higher level class...

No wonder the teacher looked at me doubtfully...

"May I please sit down now?" I asked the teacher politely as she also looked stunned at my answer.

She snapped out of it quickly and nodded, pointing to the seat behind the guy as I frowned.

"Sorry to bother but can I change seats with him? He's too tall." I complained slightly.

"Ah yes... You heard the lady Ace, move back." The teacher exclaimed as I walked towards my new seat and sat down.

Ace only grinned at me cheekily as I nodded in acknowledgement. "Today we are suppose to have a pop quiz, so Rose. You can have some free time instead." The teacher announced making everyone groan in annoyance.

"May I take the test as well? I wanna see how well I'll do in it." I proposed, raising up my hand.

"Hm... Aright. I happened to print an extra one anyways. The pop quiz will be for 30 minutes." The teacher said as she walked around the classroom handing out the papers individually.

"You may begin." The teacher announced as everyone picked up their pens and began, the teacher came to me and whispered. "If it's too difficult than it's okay to leave it blank."

'How... Nice? Although I feel slightly undermined...'

"Thank you." I smiled at her as she smiled back softly but she quickly wiped it off her face as she continued walking down the aisle.

I flipped open the paper and read the questions.

'Easy peasy.' I smirked as I began writing at a quick pace.

'I can do this with both eyes closed.' I thought haughtily as I went through each questions even quicker than I did previously.

I sighed at the last question and did it without batting an eyelid. I finally put down my pen and checked the clock.

'You can't be kidding me... Only 10 minutes passed?! Whelp... Time to take a power nap.' I thought as I placed my head on my table and sleep.

"Times up! Stop writing!" I hear the teacher exclaim as I sat up from my previous position, awakened from my deep slumber.

I'm a light sleeper so her loud voice woke me up instantly.

She walked pass the aisle and collected the papers, once she collected it, the students began whispering amongst themselves.

I was about to doze off again when I felt someone hitting my chair, I turn slightly behind to see Ace grinning at me. "How do you think you'll do?" He asked.

"Ehh... I don't know, if I pass than I should continue in this class. Otherwise I'll drop a year or something." I responded,

"Woah... That's hardcore. Did you find the paper hard?" He asked, "Not at all." I responded coolly as he looked at me in shock.

"Really? It was a little hard for me." He exclaimed in surprised but I only shrugged.

"Really?" I heard the others murmur under their breath as some looked at me skeptically, some looked at me in disgust and annoyance.

'Human nature... How annoying.'

I just looked up and stared at all of them blankly.

The weird thing was when they met my eyes they froze slightly.

Suddenly, all of the negative feeling in the air melted as they either looked away awkwardly, or continued looking at me but this time pitifully.

"Why are they doing that?" I asked Ace, turning around my chair.

"Oh I don't kn-" He laughed but when he opened his eyes, he looked at me shocked. "Your eyes..." He trailed off.

"My eyes? What about it?" I questioned, frowning at him.

"It's so dull and blank." When he mentioned that I relaxed and sighed, "So? They were always like that." I rolled my eyes as many others gasp.

"They look so... Emotionless." Ace continued.

"Yeah? So? I'm surprised you didn't notice when we bumped into each other." I said.

"No... When I met you, your eyes had more life into it." He murmured under his breath but I still heard it.

I frowned.

'My eyes had life? He must be kidding.' I scoffed at what he said.

"Now that's hard to believe. I always had this pair of eyes." I replied with a frown.

"It's probably because of the lighting so you're seeing things." I denied in a roundabout manner so he would stop looking at me so suspiciously.

"Hm..." He trailed off as I turned back to face the front.

'Had life... My eyes actually had life?' I scoffed, 'That sounds stupid.'

After that, the students in class treated me cautiously.

'Come on, I'm not *that* fragile.'

Ace was the only one who stayed mostly the same... Mostly.

He became more chipper and clingy towards me, which makes me want to bash his head against the table or the wall sometimes.

"I have marked the quiz..." The teacher walked in the classroom with the sheet of paper in her hand.

The noisy classroom immediately became silent as many tried anticipating her response.

"It's horrible... A lot of failures and only two people got close to full marks." The teacher said as I nodded slightly.

"Who?" Someone asked as they raised up their hand, I crossed my arms and waited.

'Oh if it ain't me I'l- '

"Ace." The teacher announced as I nearly smacked my head against the table

"Coming in second is Rose. Who unfortunately made a careless mistake and wrote the wrong answer down... You could have gotten full marks..." The teacher continued as I groaned.

"Sorry, I was sleepy when I did the quiz."

'I'm denying that I made this mistake...'

'Yes just blame it all on my tiredness...'

"Ah... I see, well you did great overall." The teacher praised as I smiled at her slightly.

'Why am I smiling so much. My cheek hurts from it...' I thought as my cheek muscle twitched in slight pain.

'It better not be cramping on me'

Well I only smiled at the teacher and I should probably stop...

I've heard that I'm ugly when I smile.

I'm not gonna question it though so yeah...

I wiped the smile of my face as she handed the papers out, and began her lesson.

Lunch break... Everyone's saviour... But I find it boring honestly.

I took out my lunchbox that my caretaker prepared for me and went up to the rooftop to eat.

"E-excuse me... But this is my spot." I heard someone say to me timidly, "So what? I don't see no names around." I scoffed as I continued to eat my food.

"Hey! She's just asking a question, don't need to be so rude." I heard a male voice scorn at me as I continued eating.

"Hey answer me idiot!" He exclaimed rudely, "M-miles it's alright, she can take it." The girl tried calming him down.

I chewed finish on my food before I looked up, staring into their eyes blankly.

They gasped like I expected as the girl began apologising frantically. "S-sorry! I didn't know you were..." She squeaked out with a panicked look.

"It's fine... Stop looking at me like that. I already ate finish my food so you can take the spot." I scowled slightly as I stood up with my lunchbox and walked off quickly.

"M-miles...?" I hear her pleading the guy a little, "No way Millie." He rejected.

"Pleaseee." She begged.

"Urgh fine." I heard him from downstairs as I continued walking to the second floor.

I casually walked towards my classroom when my arm was suddenly grabbed harshly by someone, I turned back slightly to see that 'Miles' guy grabbing onto it tightly.

"What?" I asked irritatedly as he began dragging me off, I decided to place my weight onto my heel as he decelerated to a stop.

'Well he's unable to drag me because I stopped him.' I smirked, slightly proud at what I did.

"Just come with me." He groaned as he tried dragging me off again.

"Not till you tell me why." I said, standing my ground.

"Fine..." He sighed as soon as he realised that he can't drag me off.

He tried to sweep me off my feet but I jumped just in time.

'That was close...' I sighed internally.

The moment I thought about it, I lost my focus as he lifted me up from my waist and speed walked up the stairs.

"Let go of me!" I exclaimed struggling as I smacked his face and back, he couldn't handle it as he hissed in pain at every strike I made towards him.

Glaring at me, he used his other hand to grab both of my hands together and went up to the 3rd floor when I heard footsteps rushing up beside us.

"Stop! What do you think you're doing to her!" Ace exclaimed, stopping him in his tracks.

'Wow... For once I feel kinda grateful...'

"Help me Ace, he's kidnapping me." I answered with my usual flat tone.

"Well you don't sound like you are." He chuckled slightly as Miles placed me down, still grabbing onto both of my hands as he scoffed lightly "Why do you care playboy?"

'I hate you... Just help me already...'

'Hold on... Ace is a playboy?'

I looked at Ace with dumbfounded expression and asked, "You're a playboy?"

"Uh..." He trailed off nervously.

"Wow... I thought you were just a stupid idiot who got lucky on the test." I managed to say through with a smirk.

"Whatever." Miles muttered as he begin dragging me up the stairs with both of my hands still in his grip.

I rolled my eyes and using my upper body strength, I swung him backwards.

'That's what happens when you let your guard down and place me down.' I mocked him silently in my head.

He fell onto his back as he let go of my hands, "That's for being a dumbass." I smirked at his fallen body as he groaned in pain.

"W-what's going on here...? Ace!?" I heard the girl ask timidly before she exclaimed in surprise, running towards him as he grabbed his shoulder and rubbed on it.

Wincing slightly as the girl tried to help him, "I think I broke my shoulder." He winced out softly as I murmured under my breath, "Score! How lucky!"

Ace stared at me in disbelief while Miles glared at me murderously.

The girl however looked at the both of us worriedly.

"It ain't my fault. It was self-defense. Right Ace?" I asked him with a fake smile.

"No way man did you see tha-! Uhm... can you please stop smiling like that... It's scaring me." Ace murmured looking at me with fear.

"Why?" I asked as my smile widened.

"Haha... I've got to go! I have detention you see... See you!" Ace exclaimed as he dashed off.

I stared at the back of him and scoffed.


I turned to look at the girl helping Miles up, as he caressed his injured shoulder cradling it like a baby as he glared at me warily.

The girl just stood beside him, frantically trying to help him as they walked off to the infirmary.

"What are all of you looking at?" I scowled at the passerbys as they quickly turned away from me.

I stomped back to class in a foul mood, the crowd immediately parting like the red sea.

'I'm just gonna skip...'

"Hey fellow classmate... Can you inform the teacher that I'm not feeling well so I'll be leaving first?" I asked a bespectacled studious looking girl who jumped at my call.

© Naruko