

Lilac {Chapter 6}
Just like last time, I wake up before with her incase she woke up during the night. She didn't. She did talk gibberish in her sleep though. She had rolled half on top of me while I slept. This time her expression was peaceful. There was even a small hint of a smile. I smile and gently push her off me. She is so beautiful when she sleeps, even if her hair is all over her face. I brush a lock away and plant a small kiss on her cheek.

I walk outside, making sure not to let any cold air in. The moon is still out but the horizon is turning a light pink colour. Everyone is still asleep so I take quiet steps towards the railing of the bridge. I rest my elbows on it and sigh. The bridge slowly rocks under me. I don't let any thoughts invade my mind. I only stare at the horizon, welcoming dawn's warm embrace. I close my eyes, clearing my mind.

I suddenly hear loud footsteps come towards me. I open my eyes, seeing a dark hooded silhouette come towards me. I squint, trying to make out who it is. My heart starts racing. Is it Palash?! Why would he be here? My instinct tells me to run but I prove my courage by moving closer. "Who are you?" I whisper, trying not to alarm anyone. The person takes down their hood and smiles. Tulip.

I sigh in relief. I wasn't exactly sure what I would've done if it WAS Palash. They have a white strip over their nose. Dahlia had knocked them with more force then I thought. "Why are you here?" I ask. "You wanted to be a 'Thorn', right? So I'm here to help train you." They hold out a small tool. I take it, examining it's sharp edges.

It's a price of bright orange amber that had been cut into a long, sharp triangle shape. It's connected with sticky tree sap to a handle made of thick wood. "It's a blade." They say, "You'll need it."

Tulip takes me to a secluded area, away from the rest. I see Sunflower talking to a few other beings. One is pure white and the other an Ocean-blue. They're smiling and holding hands. They look so adorable.
I see a few tears going down their cheeks, but their still smiling. "I'm gonna miss them." Tulip says softly. I can hear the grief in their voice. Why are they sad?

They lead me to a small area in the outskirts of the village. A few other beings are talking and sharpening their 'blades'. I take out the one Tulip gave me. "Now, be careful, although amber is tough and thick, when sharpened, it delivers a deadly blow." They take out their own blade and demonstrate by slicing through a curtain made of animal hide. It slices clean in half. "Wow." I step back. "I know." They say proudly.

"Why do we need armor?" I ask as Tulip shows me a chest plate made of strong wood. "Stop playing dumb, I know you've dealt with a hunter before. You have that wound on your chest." I look down and notice a small black circle. Was that there before?! My breathing quickens. "Lilac? you ok?" I lean on the wall behind me for support. My heart is racing. I close my eyes and take a few calming breaths.

I am stronger then this. "You alright there?" They ask. I stand up and steady myself. "Here you are!" Dahlia suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me away from Tulip. I yank my arm away. "Lilac, c'mon, you don't belong here." My chest become tight. "I'm training." I say. Her eyes widen. "Didn't we talk about this yesterday?" She asked between clenched teeth. I shake my head.

"We hadn't talked. You just told me that it wasn't the best option." I argue.
"I just don't want you getting hurt again." She repeats. I feel the amber blade in my hand. She sighs looking down. Her eyes suddenly widen. "Lilac, that thing is dangerous, you should put it down." She tries to take it from me but I don't let go. She pulls it out of my hand.

Suddenly an intense bolt of pain rushes through me. I scream and fall to the ground, clutching my hand. Red liquid is pouring out of my seed. It burns so much worse. I let out multiple cries. It's all I can do. Dahlia tries to help me but whenever she tries to heal it, it just burns more. Tears stream down my face. My vision becomes blurry. I lay on my side, shacking. I hear muffled screaming. My vision darkens and finally I close my eyes.

(next chapter will be a bit mushy)
© lilacbloom