

Relationship or Friendship ?
Many people ask me -
Why do you prefer friendship over relationship ?
Don't have faith in love ??

My answer to all of them is -

In India more than 80% relationships don't convert into marriage,

and after marriage
a girl doesn't feel good to
talk with her Ex
because she thinks she might develop
feelings again for him.
(in simple words they stop talking with each other),

whereas in 'Friendship',
she has liberty to talk with her friends even after marriage because there is not any attached feelings, just a trail of good crazy well spent time. No boundation of feelings and there is not any fear of cheating on her husband.

So for me long lasting company of a girl matters more than the temporary pleasure in the bed.

(Don't dare to judge me 😂😂)

And Yeah don't forget to share your views on this title.

© DopaManiac