

Last wish..
It The #WritcoStoryChallenge
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror. suddenly lights in corridors starts blinking, on and off automatically.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I started hearing crying voices, which wanted to convey something.By birth I can hear voices of ghosts, their last wishes which was unfulfilled.
I tried to help solving their wishes, but I want to live like normal human now. This time Iam terrified with this voices, shouting people for help! .I do not know why people around me unable to hear my voice, I feel like Iam in dream. but Iam wrong,it's not a dream. I fell down stairs, slept unconsciously.
I opened my eyes, found myself in a hospital bed. The nurse said that I was lying unconsciously down the stairs. I getup from bed to freshup, while changing dress I see scars of hands on my body, it was hurting me. I went out and called up nurse, when I tried showing her there was no scars on body, Iam feeling like someone is back of me, who wants to kill me. my mind is full of questions, who is she? what she wants? does she wants to kill me?
I have to find answers to my questions. sassy, my friend came suddenly and was astonished to see me in hospital. she knows about my ability that I can talk to ghosts. I said her everything that happened with me, we decided to find the truth behind. From past days, I keep forgetting what happened with me. when I consulted doctor he said I am suffering from a brain dissociative amnesia, I will be unable to remember my past experiences or my personal information. me and sassy decided to trying to talk with ghost today. Till then, I and sassy weared a pendant which my mom gave me when I was child, to protect myself from evil ghosts. we can talk with ghost, at 3am. before 3am we closed all lights of home, power was off. we sat around table and holding hands together tightly and started reading mantras which was given by my mom. we started hearing voice of girl, laughing horribly at us, lights starting blinking on and off, all things around us was moving automatically around us. Though we both were terrified, holding hands together, I asked her shouting what she wants from me?.
sounds of crying increased, on floor she wrote with blood "I want to Kill You, Like You killed me"..
we two were terrified with fear, suddenly I observed blood started flowing from my head, my hands was covered with full of scars and blood marks. sassy was so terrified, she ran away from me. ghost got chance, she pulled hairs of sassy and hit her against the wall. I started reading powerful mantras to make her disappear from here. voice whispered in my ear" I will come again!". I went to sassy, she was lying unconsciously, I moved her towards bed, by then I observed my scars and blood disappeared. I wrote everything what happened in my diary, so that If I forget, I can read and recall it.with fear I slept beside sassy, because of me she was hurted badly. It was morning 10 am, sassy shouted my name and made me getup, she asked what happened last night, I was unable to remember anything. I saw my diary near my hand, saw what I have written last night and shared with her.sassy said " Do you know who is she? she claimed you killed her, why she said like that? ".
I said "I do not remember anything of my past events, I do not know how I reached hospital that day". sassy said" let's go and check hospital records , sure we will find our answer"..
we tried checking records, couldn't find any clue. my mind was filled me full of questions, we sat at restaurant and ordered pizza. sassy calmly whispered" do not worry dear, we will find out truth". Suddenly, a old lady arrived near me and started shouting " she wants to kill you, she will not leave you!". I was deadly feared, sassy boldly started asking her"do you who that ghost is? why she wants to kill her? ". old lady invited us to her place.we were able to say a ray of hope to find out truth.when we reached her place, it was filled with darkness. she ordered us to sit down, she said" on 14th March you was driving car, hurriedly to your office, on your way your bumped your car into a girl. Her name is Maya, she is 18 years old.without waiting for red signal, she was hurriedly reaching to hospital as her dad was in critical condition.
when your car hit her, she was dead.she was only daughter of her parents. on 14th March her dad needed blood donation of o+.hospital was unable to get blood, her daughter was having same blood group.thats y she was hurriedly moving to hospital, in order to save her dad.but she died , when your car hit her.Her dad was dead too.In her family, only her mother is left alone in home.Though this was accident, but she wont leave you".my heart is full of guilty feeling, because of me two people died at a time.sassy said"It was her mistake, she was running on roadway!. I said" whatever, because of me she died and her dad too". That old lady said "solution for this is bring her mom here, let her speak to her daughter.may be anger towards you decreases by listening to her mom.you should promise that You will take care of her mom whole life. today we will perform some mantras and try convincing her ". we reached maya's home, her mom opened door.she was looking sad and lonely after losing her whole family. we narrated her whole story, she was shocked and crying continuously. sassy was convincing her continuously.Maya's mom was same like My mom.I moved towards her, sat down near her legs. I said" Iam sorry aunty, because of me you lost all your family.Though I can't bring her back, but I promise to take care of you whole life as my mom. I will try you do not feel missing her! please forgive me aunty! I can't live with burden of guilt in my heart, please say maya to forgive you and you also forgive me.I am suffering from dissociative amnesia, I can't remember my past.Iam really sorry!"..
her mom hold my hands and said "It's ok it was not your mistake, accidents occur and its all destined by God."
we three of them headed to old lady's home, and was prepared for everything.
we all were hearing crying of maya and then shouted"mom I miss you so much, I want to hug to you mom and want to be with you always,but she killed me.I will kill her too".
she entered my body and tried harming my body. old lady started saying some mantras and tied my body with chains. Her mom moved towards me and hugged me.she whispered" maya you are my daughter, my pride.me and dad never teached you to hurt others, I know you are good girl, taking lives of people are not in our hands.god decides everything, everything is destined my girl.It was not her mistake, leave her. I know you will never hurt anyone, if dad knows that you killed someone, he will be sad in heaven.I also miss you so much.this girl is like same as you.She said she will care of me, you do not worry about me I will live with your memories. please leave her". seeing her mom crying, she melted and talked with her sometime.after that she hugged her mom and said goodbye.I promised I will take care of her mom same like my own mom...
from that day, till now I got a new mom.she take care of me, my life is full of happiness.I thank maya sister for forgiving me and giving me God gifted mother.

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