

The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?
She scared a little
She shut the window
She look at the clock it was 11:50pm
She covered herself by blankets...
She noticed every sound around her clearly...
The clock sounds tik tok!
The fan sound!
The aeroplane passing sound!
Her heart beat! lub tub!
very fastly!
Suddenly her phone starts Ringing!
it was from unknown number ...
whether to pick the call or not!
she panicked
it may be some emergency
she picked! finally
hello Mahima...
A well know voice!
"Happy birthday sweetheart"...
she turned to see the clock
it was 12:00 Am now
thank you shiva she replied!
I am scared it seems like
someone is standing outside my house!
My girl!
still you didn't find
come out it's me
"OMG" you?
she ran out quickly
all her fear scattered away!
she seen Shiva was waiting with a birthday cake on a car
she hugged him and asked...
when did you came from London?
yesterday afternoon!
A group of people replied to her questions...
she turned back and seen!
it was her family!
Happy birthday dear
she thanked them!
it was your plan... right?
yes he nodded with smile!
After our engagement 1year we didn't see eachother!
but our waiting really worth for this day ...
love you Shiva
love you too Mahi...
come lets celebrate.
#waiting is always special it will offers you true love and care.