

Love between Hatred
Chapter 87 : Devraj is accused of Vijay's Death

Shravan goes back home where he finds Kavita crying. She hugs him. Shravan asks her not to cry and asks about his father . He hears Rajinder saying that he won’t let anything happen to Devraj. Shravan asks what happened to him. Rajinder stays silent. He tries to stop him from going inside a room but in vain. Shravan gets shocked to see police ordering Devraj’s arrest. Shravan stands between his father and police but the police accuses Devraj for producing low quality bullet proof vests because of which Vijay got martyred. Shravan understands why Ramesh was blaming Devraj for Vijay’s death. He looks at Devraj who asks him not to look at him like that as he didn0t do anything wrong. Shravan trusts him. Rajinder comes and says that their lawyer is coming but inspector says that he can come at police station. However, police takes Devraj away. Shravan tries stopping him but police officer pushes him. Devraj gets angry and grabs inspector’s collar. Inspector slaps him for behaving like a goon with police. They make Devraj wear handcuffs and take him out. All the attempts of family to stop police go in vain. Shravan wants to go to the police station with Devraj but Rajinder asks him to stay home and take care of Kavita and the rest of family. Devraj is taken away by police. Rajinder leaves too. On the other hand, Vijay’s coffin is surrounded by the Indian flag. At Malhotra Mansion, Shravan cries seeing news calling his father traitor of his country. He tells Bunty that Devraj slapped him in front of everyone when he saw him cheating in a cricket match and he put all himself in this deal so he cannot do anything wrong. He says that Vijay was Devraj’s friend too.
He realizes that Suman lost his father who will never come back and if he, whose father might come back somehow, is like that, he cannot even imagine what she must be going through. He wants to go to her. Bunty tries stopping him as it’s not good for him to go in that house. However, Shravan doesn’t listen to him.
Meanwhile, Suman cries hard in her room. She looks for her picture with Vijay but doesn’t find it. She finds her laptop turned on and sees the email that Vijay was typing for her. He has written that he has no problems with Shravan whom he likes even if he is a civilian but all he wants is her to focus on her goals and careers. He has also written that he would have not stopped her if she had taken the same decision of staying with Shravan when she was older and more mature. He hoped for her to understand her point of view and not be upset with him. He wished for her to meet him hugging and saluting the next time he will go to a mission, like she used to do earlier. Suman regrets being selfish and not listening to him. She cries and says that she loves her father. She wants him to come back. Suman cries her heart out hugging the laptop.
Suman opens the trunk with Vijay’s uniform and diary. She cries. She opens his diary and finds their picture in it. She cries and apologizes to him. Shravan comes and is sad seeing her in that condition. He sits near her and cries with her saying that their life changed in one day. He tells her that everyone is calling his father traitor but if Vijay was there, he would have taken stand for his friend. Suman recalls Dadu saying that Vijay would have been alive if Devraj had not produced fake vests. He remembers Vijay’s dead body. She asks Shravan to leave as she doesn’t want to listen to him. Shravan says that it’s about his father. Suman slaps Shravan and says that she lost his father and he is just defending Devraj because he has been accused. She says that she believes that he is a traitor too and asks why she should believe him and not what whole the world is saying. She says that Vijay considered them to be good people but they are selfish and can even kill. Shravan shouts her name. He calms himself down and says that he understands that she is in pain. Suman says that she is in pain because she regrets not listening to him earlier. Shravan says that they should talk later when she will be conscious. Suman says that she is getting conscious now but regrets that Vijay had to die for her to open her eyes and realize that her life would get spoiled with him. Shravan is shocked. He asks her if she really believes what she is saying. Suman says that she does and asks him to leave. Shravan leaves sadly...