

Part 2

He shut the door behind him, I didn't know what he came for this time, neither did i have any idea what he was going to do because he always left the door open even if he was going to beat me to death,yes no one would come check on me and yes everyone cared less about me,His actions sent shivers down my spine.I was already on my feet at this time, wondering what sort of punishment requires him locking the door,he came closer to me, stepping on my pancake looking mattress.
In fright i stood on the other end across to him,he was coming closer,i went about round and round the room thinking another phase of beating was yet to begin,i was scared that he looked more dangerous than he usually used to be ,I knew something was about to happen but i didn't know what it was.
He caught up with me before i could reach the door and threw me to the mattress,I hit my head on the wall so hard, that was when i knew something different was going to happened then i let out a loud scream for help knowing well no one would come to my aid yet i still screamed, he didn't care if i fell dead or not,i was still screaming at the very top of my voice but no one came to see the cruel thing he was going to do to me.
He went on and pulled my skirt up,i was fighting back but it seemed like i was wasting my time because there was no way i could have overpowered him,no way.
All this time he was in the room he didn't utter a word,and while i was still screaming for help he said "if you make another noise i will kill you and no one will know" those words still ring loud every time in my ear like it was yesterday,I was still struggling to let go, biting anywhere i could get hold of around his body when he started pulling his shorts using one hand and the other hand was on my face covering my mouth with all the power he got.
I was not going to give in so it was kind of difficult for him to penetrate,he started beating me, he beat me till there was no strength in me to shout for help ,I was shouting but it felt as though there was no voice, he finally had the first thrust in me and i let out a loud scream that i thought could alert the neighbours but still no one was moved. I was half dead at this time but i knew he continued to penetrate,even if i had died, no one would know that's how terrible the neighborhood could be.
He beat me back to life and then i continued struggling to let go, I bit him hard this time, very hard that i almost cut off his skin with my teeth, that was the only thing i had in my power to do. Then he punched my face so roughly, at this time i didn't fight back anymore cause if i did I'd be dead by now, there was no strength in me anymore, i was as good as lifeless,he went on and on thrusting in and out, it felt like he was going to continue forever,then he finally stopped,and he said "Clean all this up!, and if you dare tell anyone you are as good as dead! cos i will kill you! he stood in front of me as he talked but it was like i heard them from a very far distance.
© miraa