

The fast sequence of events
The story is pretty messed up, there's no real start or real end but it reminds me of some happy memories that I have from a dream hope you enjoy. (Please if there are some grammar mistakes I apologize English isn't my first language).

Today the city is so calm and silent, no people around, the sky is clear and it's painted by pretty colors. I have this feeling that won't go away like I'm drawn to this street, I always believed in my intuitions so I'll follow this little road.
There's nobody but I feel like someone is following me, I'm not scared about it, it makes me feel safe, at ease, as if someone is there to protect me. I arrive to an house it looks old, full of lights and flowers that gives a soft and beautiful smell to the air in this part, I pass to a little bridge made of stone, when I get over the bridge it takes me to an house similar to the one that I already saw before but it's bigger and it smells of Sweets. There are two people, I don't know them but they welcome me as if I was family, I hear a voice that says :"don't trust them keep moving" this voice seems calm but worried I decide to listen to it and I apologise to the couple for not being able to stay, they look at me in an angry way so I try to rush but they start following me till the end of their property. Finally I feel safe and I stop from running just before a big square on a lower level of ground. In the middle of this square I see a tree it's so big and on it there's a little house made of wood.
I try to go down but there aren't any safe steps to take, I fall but it doesn't hurt it seems that the grass is as soft as a pillow, I get up and enter the tree house, it's so dark in there all of a sudden the voice and the presence that I felt till now comes towards me and it appears as a tall, brunette guy he remembers me of my childhood friend.
As he come near me I don't feel my feet like I'm frozen in place, he tells me his name :"Hi, I'm Chris do you remember me Lucy?" as I hear my name all the memories of our friendship finally make me move, I find myself crying overwhelmed by all the joy and happy feelings of the memories, I answer :"Yes I remember you Chris, where have you been all this time?".
While we chat and remember of the old times something or someone slams the door closing us inside the tree house.
I start panicking because we can't see too good what's around us, we enter in the first door thta we see on our right, there is a bit of light in there enough to let us see that to escape from that little space we havr to go around big boxes and different obstacles. We try to make ourselves feel better by enjoying the different challenges that are the obstacles. We make our way out of the house to discover that who tricked us in was the couple from before.
They stop us to make sure that we couldn't escape but just then some alarm goes off form their home and they leave us alone.
Returning to the city I notice how people started getting out of the houses again, in the middle of the city, in the square everyone is dancing and singing happily. Me and Chris decide to join and as we watch the sun set we dance and enjoy our last weeks of summer, the night comes and we all return home safe and with the heart full of new memories and happy moments. We never see the bad couple again and we transform the scary, obstacle race, tree house into our little safe place.
We get to meet each other every week and we talk until, late at night as we used to do when we were younger.
© The unknown person