

The Elite (Part 1)

Thousands of gleaming white stallions stood lined up just barely across enemy lines, steaming in the morning sun. Aboard them sat just as stunning soldiers clothed in shining gold armor. But the beauty of their presence would soon be gone with the chaos that was to come.
The cavalry's leading commander stepped out of line, and squinted toward the horizon with his hand over his brows. His posture never changed nor his expression. With a firm nod he backed into line and said, “SOLDIERS! Prepare yourselves for war!” He turned back to the horizon and whispered one word that could change everything, “Ilitan”.

Chapter 1
Tesa's heart beat fast as her dirty bare feet pounded on the soft forest floor. Once, she had grown up in these mystical woods. Once, she had lived a life of love and laughter. Screaming with delight as her father jumped from behind a tree and chased her, laughing, back to their cozy cottage where a warm meal awaited them. Once, she had smiled on her 13th birthday as her mother placed a necklace over her head with a carefully carved wooden pendant of the elements.
"Keep these close to your heart, Tes." She whispered in her ear, "One day, you will change the world." Once…she was happy.
No more, that life was gone. Now, she lived in fear. She ran, her heart pounding, lungs aching as she gasped for the oxygen her lungs craved. She refused to stop, she had to get away. It was like time had stopped, all that was and would ever be was her racing heart beat and the ragged breaths she pulled into her lungs as her throbbing muscles pushed on. The woods were a vast maze ahead of her, the towering pines seemed to reach out at her, tearing at her clothes and scratching her skin. It seemed like they had voices, some soft and some insistent, begging for her to give into the forest. Still she refused the voices, still, she pushed on.
She ran for what seemed like hours through the dark woods. Her legs fighting for balance on the uneven ground. Finally, her shaking body collapsed in a heap on the forest floor, gasping for air. She had no idea how far she had come or where she was, but it didn't matter now, none of it mattered. All she knew was that she had to get away. She closed her eyes tightly as images of the previous day shot through her memory like icy shards…
The night was cold and dark, the wind blew wildly through the trees, causing the walls of the well crafted chalet to creak and groan with every gust. However inside the small cottage, the Everetts were warm and happy as they sat down for a delicious meal of venison stew. Tesa’s father had shot the deer with his bow the day before. Paired with the fresh vegetables and herbs her mother had added from the garden, it was sure to be a mouth watering meal.
“What awful weather outside, I hope the troops have good lodgings tonight.” Tes was saying as she set the small table for three. “Surely the commanders would hold off the march for a storm like this, wouldn’t they?”. War had been a very common topic of discussion in Tes’s family lately. The Northern country of Segrin was slowly making their way through the southern countries, their army was large and powerful. The few updates on the war that they had received were always filled with the victories of Segrin. Two countries had already fallen to their army, and they clearly were not stopping.
“Last word was our army was making its way as fast as they could to the border, Ebril has requested assistance on the battlefield, their troops are suffering and the Segrinians aren't giving in. I don’t think they will be stopping much tonight.” her father answered as he came in from feeding the family workhorse Belle. A gust of wind and rain burst through the door. Tes had only ever had one animal in her life, besides the 3 chickens they purchased the year before. The rich chestnut colored mare was amongst the only friends she had ever had while growing up in the thick forests of Unanwen. She was raised with love and support, but experienced little interaction with the outside world. Besides seeing her cousins once a year for the 4 winds festival, she didn't go to the village or capital unless it was absolutely necessary. So, like any other lonely child would do, she sought comfort for her loneliness elsewhere. The woods. It was where she could go to not feel so desolate. Tes would rise early in the morning, grab a quick breakfast and her bow, and run into the mystical woods to play and practice her marksmanship until lunch. Then she would go back for the rest of the day, losing herself among the whispering trees and soothing sounds of the forest. Her father paused and walked over to the dying hearth, he placed his hands on the wood and they instantly burst into colorful flames that quickly warmed the house.
“Don’t worry sweety, I’m sure our army is well taken care of, they have trained for this you know.'' Her mother encouraged, resting her hand on Tes’s shoulder lovingly. While her father was always there with the truth of the matter, Tes’s mother was constantly the one with comforting words that soothed her mind like a soft wind over the plains. Smiling at her mother she sat down at the table and looked at the savory meal they had prepared. Holding hands, they said grace and began to eat the delicious stew with little conversation.
About halfway through the meal there came an insisting pounding on the door. Tes’s father stopped with his spoon halfway to his mouth and looked around at the family.
“Who could that be? At this hour, in this weather?” Her mother voiced all of their questions at once as her father rose to open the door. The pounding continued louder than before.
“Coming!” Mr. Everett yelled as he finally made it to the door and opened it. “Aeros?”, he questioned, surprised. “Is everything ok? Please, come in.”. The guest said a brief thank you as he regained his breath. Areos was Tesa’s cousin and a scout in the army, he had volunteered to join last year as a runner and a scout when the war had first started. He had quickly become known throughout the military as Swift Wind, for his ability to ride and run as fast as the wind, what the army didn't know however was that the characteristics went beyond just being fast. Aeros was an air elemental, something that only Tesa’s family knew about. He quickly climbed ranks and with the increasing freedom he often rode out to give news about the war to her family.
“Areos!” Tes exclaimed as she rose to hug her cousin. “It’s lovely to see you, would you like something to eat? There is plenty left over and it's still warm.”
“Good to see you too.” He said, ruffling her hair. He smiled at her and she returned the gesture, but something about his gaze, his light blue eyes held a burden within them. Her usually carefree cousin was worried about something, deeply troubled from the looks of it. For a second she thought she saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes but she quickly pushed that foolish thought out of her head, Aeros did not know the word fear. He turned away from her and addressed her mother, “Yes I’m famished, whatever it is smells amazing Aunt Josie. However I can't stay long, I just came to deliver the news.” What news? Tes thought as they all sat down at the table, what could be so important that would cause Aeros to ride out in the middle of a storm? She patiently waited for him to speak as he greedily devoured his food. She looked closer and saw the large bags under his eyes, his usual shining face was now weathered with anxiety. For the first time ever her cousin looked tired. He suddenly looked up at her, Tes quickly looked away, not wanting to see that she had been studying him.
"The country is in an uproar," he began, sitting back in his chair. He then paused and looked as if he was choosing his words carefully. After afew minutes of silence her father grew impatient.
“Well nephew? What is so urgent that would cause you to come all this way?” He leaned forward in anticipation.
“Yes, I apologize. It has been a long few days.” He took a deep breath and released it slowly. "A group of Nox have just invaded Janu, killing over 350 citizens, last we heard they were heading through the southern forest.”, but we're in the southern forest, Tess thought, biting back the questions that threatened to spill out. “They are making the first sweep, the main army is close behind them, Unanwen is under attack. '' Aeros explained with a straight face, two years at war made you an expert at delivering painful news with little emotion. He paused before continuing. “Last scout that came back said they were about 70 miles out and moving quickly. He barely made it out alive, they are killing everyone in their path.” At this, her mother gasped, and her father sat back in his chair, a serious expression taking over his features. Tesa froze, the Nox were coming to the forest. To her forest, killing everyone. The news was almost too much to process. She looked to her father, a steady force against the raging river of fear running through her, but he was deep in thought.
“W-what does that mean?” Tes asked. A shiver went down her spine as she struggled to keep herself under control. She didn't need to cause an earthquake tonight, or something worse. Knowone was looking at her. She persisted, “Areos?! What does it mean?”. She gritted her teeth as she was met with silence.
Ever since she could remember, her world had lived in fear of the Nox army. They were their own sector of the Segrinian military, dark elementals who are trained for nothing but death and destruction. Back when being an elemental wasn't uncommon, people who could control the dark element were considered evil and were treated like pariahs, the Nox were formed. When the elemental wars broke out twenty five years ago the Nox rose as the enemy. Their goal was world domination and “justice” on all other elementals. Their figurehead Lucian Morgath was the most powerful elemental in history, people said he was the epitome of death, a shroud on the battlefield. One look and you could tell he was both intelligent and deceitful, he could consume your mind with one look, drive you mad with just one word. Twenty five years ago they began to pose a threat, taking small villages and killing other elementals. The clans united against them, fire, air, earth and water, they prevailed, and the Nox retreated into Segrin and took shelter until a few years ago. Rumor had it they hadn't lost a battle since. Now they were coming… coming for her.

© KordeliaRose_writes