

Special necklace part 3

Katie POV

"Now do you know why you are here?" boomed the voice
Playing dumb I replied "No sir"
"Now listen carefully and listen well we ain't here to play around with you we know you have something that your father gave you that is mine. Now answer well and this guy over here will not torture you do you understand?" questioned the box .
"Yes" replying tearfully
"Very well now we ask again do you know why you are here?"
"I do please "I begged.
"Where is the book?"
"I don't know "

A loud slap was heard I held my cheek the pain was unbearable and another I felt 3 slaps altogether the pain
"Please I don't know" I cried.
Crying so much I opened my eyes and saw the guy go to the table and pick up pliers "Nooooo Please dont PLEASE I BEGGING YOU "

Taking a deep breath I started shaking the chair to try and escape but another guy stopped the movement.
"NOOO " The guy stood right beside me grabbed one of my finger placed it in the pliers before I knew it everything went black.

Few a hours later I woke up screaming with sweat and found myself back in the bedroom couldn't stop shaking checking my fingers signed in relief but then cried my self back to sleep.

meanwhile in the room the box was still on talking with the others "So what you think do you think she has the book?
"Boss I'm not sure but I do know she is a strong lady to keep denying that she knows about it. I thought by now she would of cracked. she does have a fathers spunk thou.
"Well lets continue keeping her on her toes now I want one of you to go in her room take a bucket of ice water and pour it over here while she sleeps and leave the room." said the box.

"AAAAAGGGGGH FUCK THATS COLLLLLD" cold water was being poured over me and a smiling big guy was enjoying it. "Look you ain't here for a holiday this is a kidnap and we want to know today what you know do you hear me bitch?"speaking rudely then he spat near me I felt sick in witnessing that dirty habit but couldn't complain.
Walking out of the room he slammed and locked me inside I laid back down shivering trying to turn the sheets around to keep try and dropped off to sleep.