

The Running Queen 2
- Yes, it's me. The bad guy.
He looked at her with despise written all over his face. - I'm solely responsible for this situation - he added in a gruesome tone.
She really wanted to grab his arms and shake him, but she restrained. She was in fact afraid to touch him. All of this time, she successfully stored her memories in a secluded area of her mind, and wasn't willing to let them free.
She only knew one thing with no doubt shaking her soul, she once loved that solider, and now she couldn't allow herself to trust him.
- I guess you forgot what I did this for - she simpered. - You should've just let me get away and went on with your life, instead of playing your king's best man.
She said too much. She realized that, seeing his hands clenching into fists. Then, his eyes shining with a sharp reflection of his rage. Just like he was preparing a set of knives to send right in the middle of her forehead. But, ultimately, he just took a deep breath in, and released the pressure in his muscles. She caught herself staring in awe at the movement of his skin. The sight she never expected to see again under safe circumstances.
- What are you looking at?...